28 Oct 2013

Starting salaries of Marketing lecturers at different British Universities

Note: This list has not been updated since 2014 and starting salaries may have changed.

Updated: 4 June 2014 (added Bournemouth University & Keele University)

While glancing at some of the lecturing jobs (in Marketing) coming through my inbox, I was quite surprised at the range of starting salaries at various Universities in the UK. As expected, most of the older and more established, Russell group of Universities, have high starting salaries as compared to most of the younger Universities. However, there were some surprises. The 2nd most highest starting pay is actually offered by the University of East Anglia. So far, the lowest starting pay is offered by the University of Southampton, a Russell Group University.

The starting pay at the University of the West of Scotland, Scotland’s largest modern university, was also much higher than either Coventry University or Swansea University.

If you have a PhD + teaching experience + publications, I would strongly recommend negotiating for a higher pay. DO NOT START AT THE BASE IF POSSIBLE. Nobody told me that I could negotiate my salary when I started and just accepted what was offered to me.

Given below are the starting salaries Lecturers in Marketing of some Universities based on recent ads on Jobs.ac.uk with the highest starting salaries on top alphabetically:

Aston University, Aston Business School
£37,382 - £44,607

University of Bath, School of Management
Lecturer (Assistant Professor): £37,756 -  £45,053

University of Bedfordshire
£31,331 - £37,382

University of Birmingham, College of Social Sciences, Birmingham Business School, Department of Marketing 
£37,756 - £45,053 (with potential progression to £50,688 a year)

Bournemouth University, Business School, The Department of Strategy and Marketing
£31,644 - £36,661 (with further progression opportunities to £40,046)

University of Brighton, Business School
£32,590 to £38,907

Brunel University - Brunel Business School
£34,223 - £44,607 incl. London Weighting.

Cardiff University - Cardiff Business School *
£30,728 - £36,661 (Grade 6)
£38,907 - £45,053  (Grade 7)  BEST STARTING PAY 1

Coventry University, Coventry Business School
£30,426 - £37,386  (Grade 7)

University of East Anglia
£38,522 - £44,607 BEST STARTING PAY 2

University of Glasgow - Adam Smith Business School, College of Social Sciences 
£32,267 - £36,298

Glasgow Caledonian University - Glasgow School for Business & Society, Department of Business Management
£38,522 - £44,607  (Grade 7). BEST STARTING PAY 2

Keele University, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, Keele Management School

Grade 7a: £32,590 to £37,756

Lancaster University - Lancaster University Management School, Marketing Department
£32,267 - £44,607

University of Leeds - Leeds University Business School 
£33,230 - £36,298

University of Leicester, School of Management
Grade 8 – Extended Lecturer Scale- £36,661 to £45,053 per annum

University of Liverpool 
£31,331 - £36,298

Liverpool Hope University - Liverpool Hope Business School
£30,728 to £36,661  (Grade 7)

The University of Northampton
£31,331 - £44,607

Northumbria University - Faculty of Business and Law Newcastle Business School
 £32,590 - £36,661

University of Nottingham - Nottingham University Business School 
(For Assistant Professor): £36,298 - £44,607

Nottingham Trent University - College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, Nottingham Business School
£30,728 - £45,053

Oxford Brookes University
£32,267 - £35,244

Queens University Belfast 
£33,230 - £48,729

University of Reading, Henley Business School
£37,756 to £46,400  (Grade 7)

Regent's University London, Department of Marketing and Strategy
£34,000 - £36,000

University of Salford, Salford Business School
£37,756 - £45,053

University of Strathclyde, Strathclyde Business School

Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield Business School, Department of Management
£31,644 to £35,597

University of Southampton, Southampton Management School   LOWEST STARTING PAY
£27,854 - £57,743

University of Sussex - School of Business, Management and Economics
£33,562 - £45,053

Swansea University - School of Management
£31,331 - £36,298

University of Warwick - Warwick Business School 
(For Assistant Professor): £37,382 - £44,607

University of the West of England, Bristol
£30,424 - £45,941

University of Wolverhampton - Business School
£32,267 - £45,941

University of York - The York Management School 
£36,298 - £44,607

Russell group of Universities

NOTE: I am still building up the list and any input from my readers are welcome.

Past updates:

27 May 2014
9 May 201424 April 2014
6 April 2014 - arranged the Universities alphabetically.
21 March 2014
25 Nov. 2013. I have changed Red Brick to Russell Group of Universities.
7 Nov. 2013: I have added a few more Universities to the list. Thanks to all my friends for their input.

27 Sept 2013

Book on marketing cases from emerging markets is out

Finally received hard copies of our case study book today. Even though I have seen the proofs and the digital versions before, I cannot describe the feeling I felt when I held the book with my name on the cover, in my hands. My first book, even though it is as the editor.

It has been more than a year since I first proposed the book in our department meeting and there were times when it looked like the book was never going to be published. However, it has been published and I really have to thank Prashanth Mahagaonkar from Springer for his patience and allowing me to push forward the dateline three times.

This was a joint effort of several academics in the Department of Marketing and Advertising, Coventry Business School along with their collaborators. I would like to thank all the contributors, especially my co-editors, Sanjit Kumar Roy and Eva Kipnis.

Though I said "never again" when I finally sent off the final copy, seeing this book on my desk has changed my mind.

You can get the book from the following sites:

1. Springer: http://www.springer.com/business+%26+management/marketing/book/978-3-642-36860-8 £62.99

2. Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Marketing-Cases-Emerging-Markets-Dilip/dp/3642368603 £67.99

3. Waterstones: http://www.waterstones.com/waterstonesweb/products/dilip+s-+mutum/eva+kipnis/sanjit+kumar+roy/marketing+cases+from+emerging+markets/9630214/ £67.99

4. Book Depository: http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/Marketing-Cases-from-Emerging-Markets-Dilip-Mutum/9783642368608 £54.56 (the cheapest with free delivery Worldwide).

24 Jul 2013

Relationship between core curriculum and college preparedness [infographic]

An interesting infographic from the Best College Review site which argues that a "Common core curriculum is not the solution to closing the achievement gap".

Some politicians here in the UK believe that the educations standards here have gone down and that we should look at systems followed by other countries.

What do you think?

Is Core Curriculum Rotten?
Source: Best College Reviews

11 Jul 2013

Presentation at the Academy of Marketing Conference 2013

Just got back from Cardiff where I had gone to present a paper at the Academy of Marketing Annual Conference 2013. This year it was hosted by the University of South Wales in Cardiff. The venue of the conference was the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. The weather was really nice - warm and sunny. At first I did not notice anybody familiar but gradually over the day, got to meet some old friends and made some new ones as well.


The key note was delivered by Prof. Kozinets from York University in Canada and one of the leading experts on social media marketing. He is well known for Netnography, the research methodology which he developed. I found his key note address on marketing relevance really interesting and he highlighted the need for us, academics to engage with different audiences besides other academics, via social media and other resources. He also mentioned academics love of using jargon in our writings (which not a lot of people understand) and the need to be accessible. It's hard to change your ways but I sincerely hope that academics who are in love with what they think is "proper academic language", think and reflect on this.

I only attended for a day but there were some really interesting papers in the sessions which I attended. I wish I could have stayed for the whole duration of the conference but had prior engagements.

I was the first presenter in my session: 'Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation 2', on Tuesday 9 July 2013 from 15.45 - 17.15 in the Rowe-Beddoe Studio. I was a bit nervous but the presentation went better than expected. There was some differences of opinion about the methodology, several questions and suggestions for further improvement.

Here is some information about the paper I presented. Click the title to download the whole paper.

0189: Brand Personality Dimensions and Traits in Malaysia

Mozard Mohtar 1, Azni Zarina Taha 1, Dilip Mutum 2, Ezlika Ghazali 1
1University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2 Coventry University, Coventry, West Midlands, UK

The purpose of this study is to investigate the dimensions and traits of brand personality scale in Malaysia. We also tested the generalizability of the new Brand Personality scale of Geuens et al., (2009), which consisted of 12-item scale used for cross-cultural studies. Using etic and emic approaches, items generated were cross-referenced with unique items from 10 published scales in top ranking journals. A total of 96 items were available for Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA).Principal Axis Factoring with Oblimin rotation revealed that there 12 factor structures existed in Malaysia. All factors showed strong Cronbach a values and corresponded more to Aaker’s (1997) western Brand Personality scale rather than those of Geuens’ et al. (2009).

NOTE: Noticed that there was a typo on the last line of the 3rd para. It should be "20 minutes" instead of 220 minutes.

If you are working on brand personality, I would love to hear your thoughts on our paper.


28 Jun 2013

24 Jun 2013

Working with Bloggers - The Cambridge Satchel Company

The Cambridge Satchel Company - an amazing British company success story. Now a World famous fashion brand, it started out from necessity - a mother's desire to send her daughter to a better school which she could not afford. The company was founded in 2008, in Cambridge by Julie Deane with just £600. Initially targeted at school children, the brand suddenly developed a cult following, thanks to young fashion bloggers. They now have their own factory in  Wigston near Leicester.

The company opened their first permanent store in Seven Dials, Covent Garden. The store has a 'Bloggers Lounge' a space for the blogging community who are credited for the brand's initial success.

Working with FedEx:

Their Google Chrome ad:

Check out their blog as well.

14 Jun 2013

Shop by video. Review of the HUGO BOSS movie - Shanghai Affairs

I received an interesting email about an innovative form of advertising yesterday. Hugo Boss has come up with an innovative way to show off their BOSS summers 2013 collection - a short movie (advertorial with a story-line?) called Shanghai Affairs starring Taiwanese model and actress Lin Chiling and Spanish model, Jon Kortajarena.

Supposedly, customers can shop products from the collection directly from the movie. At certain points on the movie, text links titled "discover this look" appears. Clicking the link takes you to a page listing the products shown in that particular scene.

However, contrary to their promise, you cannot buy the products directly online from the movie. I found out the links take you to their main web page and not to the products. In other words, if you are interested in any of the products, you have to find the the nearest HUGO BOSS outlet and buy it from there or have to search whether the product is available on their online shop.

I wonder if this a wonderful plan that was not clearly thought out in the beginning, when they realised that most of their customers prefer to shop at their outlets rather than online.

Of course I would have preferred it if the products in the movie had direct links to the product pages on their online store.

What do you think of the idea?

What are the key issues?

Would love to hear your comments.

Click here to watch the video Shanghai Affairs.

10 Jun 2013

Another University, another graduation

Just received an email recently about the Coventry University graduation ceremony in July. This time I will not be one of the spectators up on the stage but rather, one of the graduates. I will be receiving my Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Professional Practice.

This will the 5th University I am graduating from. The first was Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry in Himachal Pradesh, India. The second was University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I then became a Certified E-Commerce Professional from Informatics, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. The last university I studied in before Coventry univ. was the University of Warwick.

It was not part of a plan - it just happened. Wonder what's next?

NVIVO 10 training

Last week, I attended the basic and advanced NVIVO 10 training sessions (2.5 hours each) on the 3rd and 6th. Some of my friends were quite surprised as I am a "quantitative" guy and one even joked "You are moving to the other camp". This actually underlines the philosophical divide that exists in academia (especially in the social sciences) between the positivists and the interpretivists in particular.

My research philosophy is grounded in positivism and my PhD Thesis was based upon extensive quantitative research, using structural equation modelling. Previously, I did not have the inclination (nor the time) to learn more about the various qualitative methods (and tools like NVIVO). However, after teaching research methods and the fact that a number of my dissertation students were using qualitative methods forced me to move outside my comfort zone. There also seems to be an increasing move towards research involving mixed methods which I feel is a good development. I am really into netnography, the process and term coined by Professor Robert V. Kozinets, Professor of Marketing, Schulich School of Business, York University.

Anyway, the session were led by Dr. Laura Venn, Co-founder and Director of Research, Innovative Futures Research, a company based in Warwick. I found the two session really useful and wish I had taken them much earlier. I have used qualitative methods to analyse discussions forums on the net (paper submitted for presentation at a Conference recently) and it would have made my life much easier. I had to download hundreds of webpages and code them the old fashioned way with a lot of cut and pasting. The ability to visualize connections by generating tag clouds, tree maps and cluster analysis are what attracted me in the first place. However a new amazing feature of NVIVO 10 is that it allows you to to actually capture all the information from the discussion forums and social media including Facebook and Twitter straightaway.

Laura did provide some examples and I know the time was quite limited but I wish we had more hands on training using actual exercises. I did learn a lot but will definitely need to play around more before I am really fluent with it. Fortunately QSR (the company which owns NVIVO) offers a number of free online webminars and I am attending one tomorrow.

You can download trial copies of the software (lasts for 30 days) here: http://www.qsrinternational.com/products_nvivo_free-trial-software.aspx

4 Jun 2013

Social Media Marketing Infographic

One of the best infographics on the state of social media marketing today comes from Wishpond based on data from Experian.

Visit the post on Wishpond.

20 May 2013

Book on marketing case studies from emerging markets

For slightly more than a year, I have been really busy on a book which I co-edited with my colleagues Dr. Sanjit Roy and Eva Kipnis. A joint effort by academic members of our department, along with collborators from other Universities and the industry, the book has a number of unique case studies from emerging markets with up to date and relevant marketing issues. The book will be published by Springer and we have sent of the final document to them last week.

The book (hard cover) is expected to come out in September this year. It will also be available as an eBook as well.

Click the link below to buy the book: 

7 May 2013

Structural Equation Modelling workshop

My colleague  Dr. Sanjit Roy Kumar, will be running a Structural Equation Modelling Course. The course will run from September 4 – 6, 2013 at Coventry University, Coventry, UK.

This course is a three-day programme on structural equation modelling (SEM) using the software package AMOS. The main objective of the course is to enable participants to develop a good understanding of the SEM applications in the field of social and behavioural sciences.

Course outline

Day 1: Begin the course with an introduction  to SEM with some emphasis on the applications of Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS)

Day 2: An introduction to higher-order confirmatory factor analysis and structural path analysis

Day 3: Finally, learn how to deal with the multi-group analysis for both measurement and structural models

For more information on the course, please visit the webpage:

For any further inquiries, you may email Ms. Katherine McHugh at Katherine.Mchugh@coventry.ac.uk.

27 Feb 2013

Coventry University Blog Project 2013

I started teaching the E-Marketing postgraduate module this semester. At Coventry University Business School, this is a core option module for the MSc Strategic Marketing Management, MA Marketing Management, MA Sport Marketing, MSc International Marketing, MSc Event Management, MA Sport Business Management and MA Advertising and Marketing course. I have a few MBA students as well.

Part of the assessment of this module is via a group coursework and as I was preparing for this module right before this semester, I had several fantastic ideas. However, in the end I decided to go with something which was based on my area of expertise and with the objective to equip the students with hands-on experience of using relevant social media platforms and tools and teaching them how to practically apply the e-marketing theories learnt in class. Thus was born the Coventry University Blog Project 2013.

The students were required to work in groups with each group creating a blog based on their areas of interest. They were then given a series of tasks to complete. Besides creating compelling content, the students had to promote their blogs - both offline and online, with special emphasis on social networks.   They were also required to keep track of their visitor statistics and post them weekly on a forum on the module Moodle page  (the  e-learning software platform used by Coventry University Business School). In the end, they will be required to hand in a 8000 word long report based on the project.

Several of the groups have done exceedingly well and I am quite proud of what we have achieved.

Given below is a list of the blogs which the students have created :
  1. Inspiration for Travellers
  2. Extravagant Globers
  3. Take A Trip
  4. Movie Mania M21
  5. Cookery Budgetary
  6. Everyday Solutions
  7. Offers, Deals and Sales in Coventry
  8. Facts About Marketing
  9. Student-Assist
  10. Beer Oh Beer
  11. Conquering Coventry
  12. No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service
  13. GLO Sensational Music
  14. West Midland sport
  15. Sports Light

26 Feb 2013


Michael Watkins writes in the HBR blog that we should focus on threats and opportunities first and then strengths and weaknesses next.

Read his post here: From SWOT to TOWS: Answering a Reader's Strategy Question

Also read: The TOWS Matrix --- A Tool for Situational Analysis by Heinz Weihrich, Professor of Management, University of San Francisco.

21 Feb 2013

2nd Wednesday at the SGI Coventry

I have always wanted to attend the 2nd Wednesday events organised by the Serious Games Institute,  Coventry University Technology Park, every month but could not because of one reason or the other. However, I  made sure that I was free for the event on the 13th of February 2013.

This time the focus was on the future of learning including new approaches to learning such as: MOOCs, technology enhanced learning, game based approaches and social interactive learning. Among the speakers were Prof Paul Frere (Open University),  Dr Alastair Cameron (ITS Learning), Dr Mark Gaved (Open University), Dr Ian Dunwell (SGI) and Kathleen Stokes (Nesta). However, I was specially interested on the presentation by Dr Kaska Porayska-Pomsta from the Institute of Education on The ECHOES project on games to help children with autism. The children can explore and improve social and communicative skills through interacting and collaborating with virtual characters (agents) and digital objects controlled by an AI and tracking devices. Apparently there are some fantastic results with some children showing development after using this game. The presentation did not disappoint and I was excited when I found out that they are working on an app for the iPad.

There were other really interesting and thought provoking presentations and discussions. It was really nice to meet up with Jay (who used to work in our department) and Prof Sara de Freitas. I am definitely looking forward to attending the next event.

9 Feb 2013

Values of the Marketing courses offered by Coventry University

As part of the PG courses restructuring process at Coventry University, we as PG tutors are working to ensuring that we are complying with the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME). The PG team - Four lecturers including 2 of my room mates, are supposed to demonstrate how our courses and modules achieve 6 principles, viz.

1 Purpose
2 Values
3 Method
4 Research
5 Partnership
6 Dialogue

I was responsible for looking at the Values. I did not realise how difficult it would be to come up with 300 words describing the values delivered by the 4 courses/ modules offered by our Marketing and Advertising Department, viz.,

MSc Strategic Marketing
MSc International Marketing
MA Marketing Management
MA Advertising & Marketing

This was the first time I actually thought about what we are actually teaching our PG students and how this would help them in the future in their work place and as a member of society.

I will be posting the values here once they are approved.

Paper on digital government service quality published in the Journal of Service Theory and Practice

Our paper, " Occupational stress as a mediator between organisational intelligence traits and digital government service quality: a tri...