20 May 2013

Book on marketing case studies from emerging markets

For slightly more than a year, I have been really busy on a book which I co-edited with my colleagues Dr. Sanjit Roy and Eva Kipnis. A joint effort by academic members of our department, along with collborators from other Universities and the industry, the book has a number of unique case studies from emerging markets with up to date and relevant marketing issues. The book will be published by Springer and we have sent of the final document to them last week.

The book (hard cover) is expected to come out in September this year. It will also be available as an eBook as well.

Click the link below to buy the book: 


  1. Excellent news! This sounds like a really great contribution. Looking forward to reading it in September!

  2. Thanks Stephan. A lot of time and effort went into that project.


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