The CABS Academic Journal Guide 2021 has just come out.
The answer is "No! Not much".
All the 4*, 4, 3 and 2 ranked journals are the same. The only change in this new list is that some journals have entered the list as 1-ranked journals.
The new journals are:
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
International Journal of Technology Marketing
Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising
Journal of Global Fashion Marketing
Journal of Interactive Advertising
Journal of Marketing Analytics and
Recherche et Applications en Marketing
Here is the "New" list:
4* Journals
Journal of Consumer Research
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Marketing Research
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Marketing Science
4 Journals
International Journal of Research in Marketing
Journal of Retailing
3 Journals
European Journal of Marketing
Industrial Marketing Management
International Marketing Review
Journal of Advertising
Journal of Advertising Research
Journal of Interactive Marketing
Journal of International Marketing
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
Marketing Letters
Marketing Theory
Psychology and Marketing
Quantitative Marketing and Economics
2 Journals
Academy of Marketing Science Review
Advances in Consumer Research
Consumption Markets and Culture
Electronic Markets
International Journal of Advertising
International Journal of Consumer Studies
International Journal of Market Research
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
Journal of Brand Management
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
Journal of Consumer Affairs
Journal of Consumer Behaviour
Journal of Macromarketing
Journal of Marketing Management
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice
Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Journal of Services Marketing
Journal of Strategic Marketing
Qualitative Market Research
1 Journals
Advances in International Marketing
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
Australasian Marketing Journal
Corporate Communications
Corporate Reputation Review
Health Marketing Quarterly
International Journal of Bank Marketing
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising
International Journal of Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Marketing
International Journal of Technology Marketing
International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research
International Review on Public and Non-Profit Marketing
Journal of Communication Management
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
Journal of Financial Services Marketing
Journal of Global Fashion Marketing
Journal of Global Marketing
Journal of Interactive Advertising
Journal of Marketing Analytics
Journal of Marketing Channels
Journal of Marketing Communications
Journal of Marketing for Higher Education
Journal of Non-Profit and Public Sector Marketing
Journal of Product and Brand Management
Journal of Relationship Marketing
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing
Journal of Service Theory and Practice
Journal of Social Marketing
Marketing Intelligence and Planning
Recherche et Applications en Marketing
Review of Marketing Science
Services Marketing Quarterly
Social Marketing Quarterly
Young Consumers
Access the whole list here