
Updated: 18/6/2024
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  1. Ramakrishnan, S., Wong, M.S., Chit, M.M. & Mutum, D.S. (2024). Occupational Stress as a Mediator between Organisational Intelligence Traits and Digital Government Service Quality: A Triangulation Design ApproachJournal of Service Theory and Practice, 34 (6), 787-821. DOI:10.1108/JSTP-02-2023-0041  [ABDC A/ SCOPUS / WOS/ AJG 1]. 
  2. Ramakrishnan, S., Wong, M.S., Chit, M.M. & Mutum, D.S. (2024). The Mediating Role of Occupational Stress: A Missing Link between Organisational Intelligence Traits and Digital Government Service QualityInternational Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 41(2), 532-558. DOI: 10.1108/IJQRM-11-2022-0333 [ABDC B/ SCOPUS/ AJG 2].
  3. Ghazali, E., Mutum, D., Nguyen, B., Hamzah, Z. & Mohtar, M. (2024). Social Entrepreneurship and Volunteering: Moderation Effects of Volunteer Experience Levels on Social Entrepreneurial Intent ModelEntrepreneurship Research Journal14 (1), 53-88. DOI:10.1515/erj-2020-0426 [ABDC B/ SCOPUS/ WOS/ AJG 2].
  4. Ghazali, E. Mutum, DS & Lun, N.K. (2024). Expectations and Beyond: The Nexus of AI Instrumentality and Brand Credibility in Voice Assistant Retention using Extended Expectation-Confirmation ModelJournal of Consumer Behaviour, 23(2), 655-675. DOI: 10.1002/cb.2228. [ABDC A/ SCOPUS/ WOS/ AJG 2]. 
  5. Ahmad, H.M., Kaliannan, M. & Mutum, D.S(2023). Authentic leadership in a bureaucratic environment: A qualitative study, Journal of General Management. DOI:10.1177/03063070231195207 [ABDC B/ SCOPUS/ AJG 2] 
  6. Mutum, D.S., Hussein, A.H. & Ghazali, E. M. (2023). The antecedents of university loyalty: a study of postgraduate students in Malaysia, International Journal of Educational Management 37 (3), 591-609. DOI:10.1108/IJEM-07-2021-0286 . [ABDC B/ SCOPUS/ AJG 1].
  7. Ghazali, E.M., Al Halbusi, H., Abdel Fattah, F.A.M., Hossain Uzir, M.U., Mutum, D.S. and Tan, F.-L. (2023), A study of player behavior and motivation to purchase Dota 2 virtual in game items, Kybernetes, 52 (6), 1937-1961. DOI:10.1108/K-08-2021-0678 [SCOPUS/ WOS].
  8. Ghazali, E., Mutum, D., Waqas, M., Taha, A.Z. and Mohtar, M. (2023). Factors influencing the potential adoption of portable pork DNA detection device, Journal of Islamic Marketing, 14(10), 2575-2599. [ABDC B/ SCOPUS].
  9. Ramakrishnan, S., Wong, M.S., Chit, M.M. and Mutum, D.S. (2022). A conceptual model of the relationship between organisational intelligence traits and digital government service quality: the role of occupational stress, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 39 (6), 1429-1452. [ABDC B/ SCOPUS/ AJG 2].
  10. Ghazali, E.M. Mutum, D.S., Waqas, M., Nguyen, B. and Ahmad-Tarmizi, N.A. (2022). Restaurant choice and religious obligation in the absence of halal logo: A serial mediation model, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 101, 103109 [ABDC A*/ SCOPUS/ WOS/ AJG 3].
  11. Abdul Rahman, W. N., Mutum D. S. and Ghazali, E. (2022). Consumer engagement with visual content on Instagram: Impact of different features of posts by prominent brandsInternational Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA). 14(4). [SCOPUS].
  12. Ghazali, E., Mutum, D.S., and Javadi, H.H. (2021). The Impact of the Institutional Environment and Experience on Social Entrepreneurship: A Multi-Group Analysis, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 27(5), 1329-1350. DOI: [ABDC B/ SCOPUS/ WOS/ AJG 3].
  13. Mutum, D. S., Ghazali, E. M. and Woon, W.-P. (2021). Parallel mediation effect of consumption values and the moderation effect of innovativeness, in predicting the influence of identity on green purchasing behaviour, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 20(3), 827-844. [ABDC A/ SCOPUS/ WOS/ AJG 2]. Most cited article 2020-2021 Award, Wiley.
  14. Ghazali, E. M., Mutum, D. S., Pua, M. H. J., & Ramayah, T. (2020). Status-quo satisfaction and smartwatch adoption: a multi-group analysis. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 120(12), 2319-2347. DOI:  [ABDC A/ SCOPUS/ WOS/ AJG 2].
  15. Ghazali, E.M.; Ngiam, E. Y-L. and  Mutum, D.S. (2020). Elucidating the drivers of residential mobility and housing choice behaviour in a suburban township via push–pull–mooring frameworkJournal of Housing and the Built Environment, 35 (2), 633-659. DOI: 10.1007/s10901-019-09705-8.  [SCOPUS/ WOS] 
  16. Alwi, S.; Che-Ha, N.; Nguyen, B.; Ghazali, E.; Mutum, D.; Kitchen, P. (2019). Projecting University Brand Image via Satisfaction and Behavioral Response: Perspectives from UK-based Malaysian Students, Qualitative Market Research, 23(1), 47-68. DOI: 10.1108/QMR-12-2017-0191. [ABDC B/ SCOPUS/ ESCI/ AJG 1] 
  17. Mutum, D.; Ghazali, E.; Putit, L. (2019). Information, The Missing Link Between Innovation and Sustainability, The Bottom Line. 32(4), 249-252.  DOI: 10.1108/BL-08-2019-0109. [SCOPUS/ ESCI]
  18. Mohd-Any, A. A.; Mutum, D.; Ghazali, E. M and Mohamed-Zulkifli, L. (2019). To fly or not to fly? An empirical study of trust, post-recovery satisfaction and loyalty of Malaysia Airlines passengers, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 29(5/6), 661-690. DOI: 10.1108/JSTP-10-2018-0223. [ABDC A/ SCOPUS / WOS/ AJG 1]. 
  19. Ghazali, E.M., Nguyen, B., Mutum, D.S. and Yap, S.-F. (2019). Pro-Environmental Behaviours and Value-Belief-Norm Theory: Assessing Unobserved Heterogeneity of Two Ethnic Groups. Sustainability 2019, 11 (12), 3237. [SCOPUS /WOS] DOI:
  20. Al-hajla, A.H., Nguyen, B., Melewar, T.C., Jayawardhena, C., Mutum, D.  and Ghazali, E. (2019). Understanding the adoption of new religion-compliant products (NRCP) in Islamic marketsJournal of Global Marketing 32(4), 288-302. [CABS 1/ ABDC B/ SCOPUS]
  21. Ghazali, E.; Mutum, D. and Woon, M. Y. (2019). Multiple Sequential Mediation in an Extended Uses and Gratifications Model of Augmented Reality Game Pokémon GoInternet Research. 29(3), 504-528. [CABS 2/ ABDC A/ SCOPUS/ WOS] 
  22. Butt, M.M., Yingchen, Y., Mohd-Any, A.A., Mutum, D.S., Ting, H. and Khong, K. W. (2018). Antecedents of consumer-based electronic retail brand equity: an integrated model, Asian Academy of Management Journal, 23(2), 69–99. (ABDC C/ SCOPUS)
  23. Ghazali, E.M., Mutum, D.S. and Ariswibowo, N. (2018). Impact of Religious Values and Habit on an Extended Green Purchase Behaviour Model, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 42 (6), 639-654. [ABDC A/ SCOPUS/ WOS/ AJG 2]
  24. Ghazali, E., Mutum, D. and Woon, M. Y. (2018). Exploring Player Behavior and Motivations to Continue Playing Pokémon GOInformation Technology & People. 32 (3), 646-667. [ABDC A/ SCOPUS/ WOS/ AJG 3] 
  25. Ghazali, E.M., Mutum, D.S., Hui, C.J. and Nguyen, B. (2018). Do Consumers Want Mobile Commerce? A Closer Look at M-Shopping and Technology Adoption in Malaysia Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 30(4), 1064-1086.  [ABDC B/ SCOPUS/ WOS] 
  26. Mutum, D.S., and Nguyen, B. (2018). The future of Indian universities: comparative and international perspectives, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 28(1), 153-154. [ABDC B/ SCOPUS/ WOS/ AJG 1] 
  27. Butt, M., de-Run, E., U-Din, A. and Mutum, D., (2018). Religious symbolism in Islamic financial service advertisementsJournal of Islamic Marketing, 9(2), 384-401. [ABDC B/ SCOPUS] Selected by the editorial team as Highly Commended in the 2019 Emerald Literati Awards. 
  28. Mutum, D.S., Ghazali, E.M., Mohd-Any, A.A. and Nguyen, B. (2018). Avoidance of sponsored posts on consumer-generated content: a study of personal blogs, The Bottom Line, 31(1), 76-94. [SCOPUS/ ESCI]
  29. Ghazali, E., Soon, P.C., Mutum, D. S. and Nguyen, B. (2017). Health and cosmetics: Investigating consumers’ values for buying organic personal care products Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 39, 154–163. [ABDC A/ SCOPUS/ AJG 2]
  30. Ghazali, E., Nguyen, B., Mutum, D. S. and Mohd Any, A. A. (2016). Constructing Online Switching Barriers: Examining the Effects of Switching Costs and Alternative Attractiveness on E-Store Loyalty in Online Pure-Play Retailers, Electronic Markets: - The International Journal on Networked Business. 26 (2), 157-171. [ABDC A/ SCOPUS/ AJG 2] 
  31. Yang, H. and Mutum, D. (2015). Electronic word‐of‐mouth for university selection: Implications for academic leaders and recruitment managers, Journal of General Management. 40 (4), 23-44. [ABDC B/ SCOPUS/ AJG 2] 
  32. Mutum, D. S., Ghazali, E.M., Nguyen, B. and Arnott, D. (2014). Online loyalty and its interaction with switching barriers, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(6), 942-949. [ABDC A/ SCOPUS/ AJG 2]
  33. Mutum, D. (2014), Review Subject: The Routledge Companion to Digital Consumption, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 17(4), 495-499. [ABDC B/ SCOPUS/ AJG 2] 
  34. Nguyen, B. & Mutum, D. (2012), A Review of Customer Relationship Management: Success, Advances, Pitfalls and Futures, Business Process Management Journal, 18 (3), 400 - 419. [ABDC B/ SCOPUS/ WOS/ AJG 2]
  35. Nguyen, B. & Mutum, D. S. (2012). Customer relationship management: advances, dark sides, exploitation and unfairness, Int. J. Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 6(1), 1-19. [ABDC C/ SCOPUS]
  36. Mutum, D. & Ghazali, E. (2011). Perceived online interactivity of blogs. European Advances in Consumer Research, 9, 151- 157.
  37. Ghazali, E., Arnott, D. & Mutum, D. (2011), Conceptualising and Measuring Online Switching CostsEuropean Advances in Consumer Research, 9, 354 - 359.
  38. Ningthoujam, R. K. & Mutum, D. (2010). Investigation of the tropical forest dynamics of the Northeast India, NeBIO, 1(2), 28-33.
  39. Venkaiah, K. & Mutum, D. (2007). Wood Anatomical Evaluation of Resin Blazes Tapped by Cup and Lip Method in Chir Pine (Pinus roxburghii Sargent) Environment and Ecology, 25(2), 274-279.
  40. Ghazali, E., Mutum, A. D., & Mahbob, N. A. (2006). Attitude towards online purchase of fish in urban Malaysia: an ethnic comparison. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 12(4), 109-127. [ABDC C/ SCOPUS]
  41. Ghazali, E., & Mutum, D. (2006). Delineation of Malaysian online shoppers and non-shoppers using discriminant analysis. The Business Review, Cambridge, 6(2), 270-276. (ISSN 1553-5827). A copy of the paper here.  [ABDC C]
  42. Ghazali, E., Mutum, D., & Mahbob, N. A. (2006). Exploratory study of buying fish online: are Malaysians ready to adopt online grocery shopping? International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 1(1), 67-82. [ABDC C/ SCOPUS]
  43. Ishak, N. K., Mutum, D., Ghazali, E., & Cheong, K. F. (2006). An exploratory study of the implementation of customer relationship management by Malaysian automobile distributorsJournal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 3(1/2), 41-56. [ABDC C/ ESCI/ SCOPUS]
  44. Mutum, A. D., & Ghazali, E. (2005). E-commerce and downstream logistics. Journal of International Studies, 1(1), 109-120. [ESCI]


  1. Marketing Case Studies in Emerging Markets: Contemporary Multi-industry Issues and Best-practices. (2024). Mutum, D.S., Ewe, S.Y., Ghazali, E. and Vincent, R.L. Springer Nature. 
  2. Mutum, D. S., & Ghazali, E. M. (2023). Consumers, Society and Marketing: A Sustainability Perspective. Springer Nature.
  3. Mutum, D., Ghazali, E. and Mutum, R. (2020). Social Media handbook for Academics. Penerbit UMT.
  4. Management of Shari’ah Compliant Businesses: Case Studies on Creation of Sustainable Value (2019). Ghazali, E., Mutum, D.S., Rashid, M., Ahmed, J.U. (Eds), Springer.
  5. Advances in Islamic Finance, Marketing and Management: An Asian Perspective (2016). Mutum, D., Butt, M. M. and Rashid, M. (Eds), Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  6. Services Marketing Cases in Emerging Markets: An Asian Perspective (2017, Ebook out 2016), Roy, S.; Mutum, D. and Nguyen, B. (Eds), Springer.
  7. Marketing Cases from Emerging Markets (2014). Mutum, D., Roy, S. and Kipnis, E. (Eds), Springer.


  1. EM Ghazali, DS Mutum, M Sundramohana, P Valdivieso (2019). Was the Boycott of McDonald’s Malaysia Religiously Motivated? In Ghazali et al., (Eds), Management of Shari’ah Compliant Businesses: Case Studies on Creation of Sustainable Value, 155-161, Springer.
  2. EM Ghazali, DS Mutum, M Rashid, JU Ahmed (2019), Management of Shari’ah Compliant Businesses to Create Sustainable Value. In Ghazali et al., (Eds), Management of Shari’ah Compliant Businesses: Case Studies on Creation of Sustainable Value, 1-5, Springer.
  3. DS Mutum, EM Ghazali (2019). Can Siti Khadijah Telekung Overcome Cultural Differences in the UK?  In Ghazali et al., (Eds), Management of Shari’ah Compliant Businesses: Case Studies on Creation of Sustainable Value, 171-176, Springer.
  4. EM Ghazali, DS Mutum, MM Radzi, WP Woon (2019). Cadbury and the Porcine DNA Crisis, In Ghazali et al., (Eds), Management of Shari’ah Compliant Businesses: Case Studies on Creation of Sustainable Value, 163-169, Springer.
  5. Mutum, D. S. (2017). Introduction to Service Branding and Servicescapes, In Roy, S. et al., (Eds), Services Marketing Cases in Emerging Markets, 63-65, Springer.        
  6. Ghazali, E. & Mutum, D.S. (2016). Islamic Marketing: Compatibility with Contemporary Themes in Marketing, In: Mutum, D.S., Butt, M.M. and Rashid, M., eds., Advances in Islamic Finance, Marketing, and Management: An Asian Perspective, 217-226, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  7. Mutum, D. S., Nguyen, B. & Melewar, T.C. (2015). Rethinking competitive analysis from a market sensing perspective. In: Costas Priporas and Melvin Prince, eds., Market Sensing Today, 19-42, Business Expert Press.
  8. Mutum, D. Ghazali, E. & Kumar, A. (2015). Social Marketing: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, In Bang Nguyen and Chris Rowley (Eds), Ethical and Social Marketing in Asia, 145-159, Elsevier.
  9. Mutum, D. & Ghazali, E. (2014). Personal Blog Marketing. In Ali Ghorbani (Ed) Marketing in the Cyber Era: Strategies and Emerging Trends, IGI Global: Pennsylvania.
  10. Mutum, D. S. & Ghazali, E. (2014). Case Study 4: Ikea Malaysia and the Halal Food Crisis, In Dilip Mutum et al. (Eds), Marketing Cases from Emerging Markets, 31-33, Springer.
  11. Mutum, D. S. (2014). Introduction to Market Orientation and Brand Strategies, In Dilip Mutum et al. (Eds), Marketing Cases from Emerging Markets, 37-39, Springer.
  12. Mutum, D. S. & Ghazali, E. (2014).  Case Study 14: Air Asia: Using Social Media to Reach Out to New Customers, In Dilip Mutum et al. (Eds), Marketing Cases from Emerging Markets, 143-147, Springer.
  13. Mutum, D. & Wang, Q. (2011). Consumer Generated Advertising in Blogs. In Matthew S. Eastin; Terry Daugherty; Neal M. Burns (Eds) Handbook of Research on Digital Media and Advertising: User Generated Content Consumption (Vol 1), IGI Global: Pennsylvania, 248-261.

    1. Hal Mahera, A, Maniam, K. and Mutum. D. (2020) Pursuing Authentic Leadership Agenda for Middle Managers in the Public Sector, A Structured Review of Theories. Paper presented at University of Nottingham Tri-Campus Online Conference, 14th -18th December 2020.
    2. Hal Mahera, A., Maniam,K. and Mutum. D. (2021) Middle Managers as Authentic Leaders for the Public Sector Management: A Systematic Review. Paper presented at International Scientific Virtual Conference, 29 March- 1st April 2021.
    3. Tan Mui Lim, Dilip Mutum, Anita Chakrabarty and Yvonne Seow Hsin Vonn (2020). A conceptual paper on the efficacy of Protective Motivation Theory (PMT) and extended UTAUT and its consumer factors in predicting technology adoption during a crisis. Paper presented at NUBS TRI-CAMPUS CONFERENCE 2020, 14th-18th December 2020.
    4. Ahmad Hata Hussein and Dilip S. Mutum (2020). Analysis on the Antecedents of Postgraduate Students’ Loyalty Towards Universities in Malaysia. Paper presented at NUBS TRI-CAMPUS CONFERENCE 2020, 14th-18th December 2020.
    5. Sofia Lee, Dilip S. Mutum and Ezlika M Ghazali (2020). Factors influencing Singaporean consumers' green purchase intentions. Paper presented at NUBS Malaysia International Conference (iCON) 2020:  9–10 January 2020.
    6. Ezlika M Ghazali, Mozard Mohtar, Dilip Mutum and Michael Mustafa (2020). Does more volunteering lead to social entrepreneurship intention? A multi-group analysis of the influence of volunteerism experience. Paper presented at NUBS Malaysia International Conference (iCON) 2020:  9–10 January 2020.
    7. Ezlika Ghazali, Dilip S. Mutum, Michele Hui-Jing Pua, T. Ramayah and Zalfa Laili Hamzah (2019). Smartwatch Adoption: A Multi-Group Analysis of Status-Quo Satisfaction, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Applied Structural Equation Modeling and Methodological Matters (SASEM) 2019, Melaka, Malaysia.
    8. Ezlika M. Ghazali, Elaine Yee-Ling Ngiam, Dilip S. Mutum and Zalfa Laili Hamzah (2019). Factors Motivating Suburban House Purchase Intentions: Application of the PPM Framework, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Applied Structural Equation Modeling and Methodological Matters (SASEM) 2019, Melaka, Malaysia.
    9. Ghazali E., Woon, M.Y. and Mutum, D.S. (2017). Investigating the intention to continue playing and make virtual purchase on Pokemon Go, International Symposium on Applied Structural Equation Modeling (SASEM2017), Hilton Kuching, Sarawak, 12-13 October 2017 (Won Best Paper Award).
    10. Ghazali E., Mutum, D.S. Ariswibowo, N. (2017). A holistic model of green behaviour of Muslim consumers in South East Asia, International Symposium on Applied Structural Equation Modeling (SASEM2017), Hilton Kuching, Sarawak, 12-13 October 2017/
    11. Mutum D.S., Ning J., Ghazali E. (2016). The mediating role of brand image of health product brands on consumer-brand relationships in social media, In proceedings of 3rd IBA International Conference on Marketing, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. 19-20, Dec, 2016.
    12. Yang, H., and Mutum, D. (2016). Consumer co-creation in university selection. The Academy of Marketing, Higher Education Colloquium. Bournemouth, UK. 27, April, 2016.
    13. Mutum, D. S., Ghazali, E.M. and Nguyen, B. (2015). Lady Gaga goes virtual: Social network gaming communities’ response towards virtual branding efforts, In Proceedings of the 2015 ANZMAC Conference, Sydney, Australia, 30 November - 2 December 2015.
    14. Mutum, D., Obialor, I. & Ghazali, E. (2014). Consumer Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility: Study of An Oil and Gas Company in Nigeria.  In Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Annual Conference 2014, Bournemouth, UK. 7-10, July 2014.
    15. Yang, H. & Mutum, D. (2014). The Impact of Internal Information on EWOM in Online Forums for University Selection: A Study of Taiwanese Students.  In Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Annual Conference 2014, Bournemouth, UK. 7-10, July 2014.
    16. Mutum, D. & Ghazali, E. (2013). Social Media, eWOM and the advertising hierarchy of effects model, Global Conference on Business and Economics Research 2013, 18th - 20th, October 2013, Selangor, Malaysia.
    17. Mohtar, M., Taha, A.Z., Mutum, D. and Ghazali, E. (2013). Brand Personality Dimensions and Traits in Malaysia. In Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Annual Conference 2013, 8-11 July 2013, Cardiff, UK.
    18. Mutum, D.  and Ghazali, E. (2010). Perceived online interactivity and attitude towards blogs. In proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Annual Conference 2010, 6-8 July 2010, Coventry, UK.
    19. Mutum, D.  and Ghazali, E. (2010). Perceived online interactivity of blogs.  Paper presented at the European Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, 30 June – 3 July 2010, Royal Holloway, University of London, London, UK.
    20. Ghazali, E. and Mutum, D. (2010). Conceptualising and measuring online switching costs. Paper presented at the European Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, 30 June – 3 July, 2010, Royal Holloway, University of London, London, UK. 
    21. Mutum, D. (2009). Consumer attitudes towards blogs: A conceptual model. In Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Annual Conference 2009, 7-9 July 2009, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK. (Digital format. ISBN 9780956009968).
    22. Mutum, D. (2008). Blogs as a model of consumer collaboration: the shift of locus of control of marketing communication. Paper presented at the Spring Doctoral Conference, 16-17 April 2008, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
    23. Mutum, D. and Ghazali, E. (2006). Online Shoppers Vs Non-Shoppers: A Lifestyle Study Of Malaysian Internet Users. In Eds. Welsh, D.H.B. et al, Proceedings of AGBA 3rd World Congress, Advances in Global Business Research  3 (1), 4 - 6 January 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 166-176. (ISSN 1549-9332).
    24. Ghazali, E., Mutum, D. and Lee L.L. Dietary Supplement Users Vs Non-Users In Malaysia: Profile Comparisons For Marketing Purposes. In: Ed.s Welsh, D.H.B. et al, Proceedings of AGBA 3rd World Congress, Advances in Global Business Research 3 (1), 4 - 6 January 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 43-54. (ISSN 1549-9332).
    25. Mutum, D. and Sulaiman, A. (2005). Culture and E-Commerce Adoption: A Modified TAM. In Eds. Abdul Razak & Ezlika Ghazali, Proceedings of UM FBA Asian Business Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1(1), 13-15 April. (Digital format: ISBN 963-2085-71-3). 
    26. Mutum, D. Ishak, N.K. and Cheong Khai Fan (2005). An Exploratory Study of CRM Implementation in the Malaysian Automobile Industry. In Proceedings of the Academy for Global Business Advancement Conference, 3-5 January. New Delhi, India. Advances in Global Business Research. 2(1), 232-238.
    27. Mutum, D. and Md. Isa, M.A. (2004). E-learning Initiatives at Universiti Utara Malaysia: From the Student's Perspective. In Proceedings of ASEAN/Asian Symposium on Educational Management and Leadership. 13-15 December. Penang, Malaysia. (Digital format).
    28. Md. Isa, M.A. and Mutum, D. (2004). Attitudes of University Graduates towards the Agribusiness Sector. In proceedings of the ASEAN/Asian Symposium on Educational Management and Leadership. 13-15 December. Penang, Malaysia. (Digital format)
    29. Marlin Marissa Malek Abdul Malek, Mutum, D. and Jaguli, A.R. (2004). International Business Operators and Choice of Banks: A Study on the Country of Origin Effect, In: Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Economics and Business Conference, 7-9 October. Penang, Malaysia. (Digital format)
    30. Ghazali, E. Mutum, D. and Mahboob, N.A. (2004). Attitude towards Online Purchase of Fish in Urban Malaysia: An Income Comparison. In: Proceedings of Academy of World Business, Marketing & Management Development Conference, July. Gold Coast, Australia. Proceedings 1(1), 12-24.
    31. Mutum, D. and Ghazali, E. (2003), E-Commerce and The Downstream Logistics: An Exploratory Study, in Proceedings of The Second National Conference on Transport Management: Issues and Challenges, eds. Nizamuddin Zainuddin, Shah Alam, Malaysia, 20 - 21 October, 160 – 171.
    32. Ghazali, E., Mutum D. and Adilla (2003), Shopping Behaviour of Teenagers Towards Clothing in Urban Malaysia: A Gender, Ethnic and Age Comparisons, Proceedings of The Fifth Asian Academy of Management Conference (AAM), Vol. 1, eds. T. Ramayah, Kuantan, Malaysia, 10 – 13 September, 335 – 346.
    33. Ghazali, E., Mutum, D. and Azlinawatee, N. (2003), Attitude Toward Online Purchase of Fish in Urban Malaysia: An Ethnic Comparison, Proceedings of The First International Conference of The Asian Academy of Applied Business, eds. Roselina, A., Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, 10 – 12 July, 423 – 436.
    A Study of Internet Users' Adoption of E-Commerce
    Faculty Grant Research
    Faculty of International Studies, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, Malaysia (2005).

    Entry of Proton and Perodua into the Indian Passenger Car Market: A Study from the Marketing Perspective
    Thesis submitted for the partial fulfillment for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA)
    University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2000.

    Studies on the Anatomical Evaluation of Resin Blazes Tapped by Cup and Lip Method in Chir Pine (Pinus roxburghii Sargent)
    Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for the Degree of Master of Science in Forestry (MSc)
    Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan, India, 1995.

    MAGAZINE ARTICLES (in chronological order with newer articles on top)
    Jaring Internet Magazine (Published by Mimos Sdn Bhd.)
    1. Online Auctions: E-Commerce the Easy Way
    Feb 2003 6:2, pp. 58-59.
    2. Understanding Meta Tags
    Nov 2002 5:11, pp. 49-51.
    3. Managing Your E-Mail
    Sept 2002 5:9, pp. 64-65.
    4. Digging Out Information
    Aug 2002 5:8, pp. 64.
    5. The Evolution of Malaysian E-Communities
    Aug 2002 5:8, pp. 36-37.
    6. Understanding Forms
    July 2002 5:7, p. 64.
    7. Make Your Site Interactive
    June 2002 5:6, pp. 49-51.
    8. The Jewels of Our East Coast
    May 2002 5:5, pp. 71-73.
    9. Brewing JavaScript
    May 2002 5:5, pp. 49-51.
    10. The White Continent
    April 2002 5:4, pp. 71-72.
    11. Adding Flash to Your Site
    April 2002 5:4, pp. 53-56.
    12. GIF vs JPEG
    March 2002 5:3, pp. 57-58.
    13. Is Your Handphone Frying Your Brain
    March 2002 5:3, pp. 74-75.
    14. The Energy Race Has Begun
    Feb 2001 5:2, pp. 76-77.
    15. Part 2: Cascading Style Sheets Made Easy
    February 2002 5:2, pp. 53-54.
    16. Cascading Style Sheets Made Easy
    January 2002, 5:1, pp. 53-55.
    17. Seeking Spiritual Solace Online
    Jan 2002 5:1, pp. 73-74.
    18. A Natural Heritage
    Dec 2001 4:12, pp. 67-68.
    19. Tables Made Easy
    Dec 2001, 4:12, pp. 75-76.
    20. WYSIWYG Web Editors
    Nov. 2001 4:11, pp. 72-73.
    21. Burning Tyres and Babes
    Nov. 2001 4:11, pp. 63-64.
    22. Using Notepad to Build a Web Page
    Oct. 2001 4:10, pp. 75-77.
    23. The Hunt Begins
    Oct. 2001 4:10, pp. 57-58.
    24. A New Ring Tone in Town
    Sept. 2001 4:9, p. 61.

    South Review (was published by SNN Sdn Bhd, part of the Tadmansori Group)
    1. The Asian Development Research Forum June 2000 1:3, pp. 29-30.
    2. Concern Over Persistent Organic Pollutants Sept 2000 1:6, p. 26.
    3. Regular technology column.

    Mutum, D. (2011). The Relationship Between Characteristics of Blog Users, Blogs on Attitude, Attitude Towards Blogs and Avoidance of Sponsored Posts. Woxbridge 2011 Conference, 12-13 April, University of Warwick, Coventry.


    Social Media for Researchers
    2nd edition eBook

    * Mutum, D. A and Mutum, D. are the same person.

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