This is a long-overdue post. The latest ABDC list was released on 6 December 2019. Marketing journals are listed under Field of research code: 1505.
There are some interesting and exciting developments and a lot of upward movement. I would say that the ABDC list has proven to more inclusive and more advanced as compared to the CABS (UK) list of marketing journals.
Journal of Consumer Psychology has been promoted to A* and now there are 11 A* journals as compared to 10 in the previous list.
There are now 38 A journals in the list, an increase from 29 in the previous list.
In the B list, there are now 60 journals as compared to 44 previously.
However, the number of C journals has become smaller, from 61 previously to just 45 in the new list.
There are a few completely new entries to the list:
Tobacco Control entered directly as a B journal.
There are also 6 new entries into the list as C journals:
- Indian Journal of Marketing
- International Journal of Healthcare Management
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing
- Journal of Marketing Analytics
- Journal of Public Relations Education
- Communication Research and Practice
The new changes are indicated by '*' behind the journal name.
A* Journals
- European Journal of Marketing
- Industrial Marketing Management
- International Journal of Research in Marketing
- Journal of Consumer Psychology*
- Journal of Consumer Research
- Journal of Marketing
- Journal of Marketing Research
- Journal of Retailing
- Journal of Service Research
- Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
- Marketing Science
A Journals
- Appetite
- Australasian Marketing Journal *
- Food Quality and Preference
- Health Promotion International
- International Journal of Advertising*
- International Journal of Bank Marketing*
- International Journal of Consumer Studies
- International Journal of Market Research*
- International Journal of Public Opinion Research*
- International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management*
- International Marketing Review
- Journal of Advertising
- Journal of Advertising Research
- Journal of Brand Management
- Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
- Journal of Business Research
- Journal of Consumer Affairs
- Journal of Consumer Behaviour*
- Journal of Consumer Marketing*
- Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management
- Journal of Interactive Marketing
- Journal of International Marketing
- Journal of Macromarketing
- Journal of Marketing Management
- Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management*
- Journal of Product & Brand Management*
- Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
- Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
- Journal of Service Theory and Practice
- Journal of Services Marketing
- Journal of Strategic Marketing
- Marketing Intelligence & Planning
- Marketing Letters
- Marketing Theory
- Psychology & Marketing
- Public Relations Review
- Quantitative Marketing and Economics
- Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics*
B Journals
- Academy of Marketing Studies Journal
- Advances in Consumer Research
- AMS Review*
- Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal
- Consumption, Markets and Culture
- Corporate Communications
- Customer Needs and Solutions
- Health Marketing Quarterly
- International Journal of Emerging Markets*
- International Journal of Enterprise Network Management
- International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing
- International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences*
- International Journal of Sports Management and Marketing
- International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship
- International Journal of Strategic Communication*
- International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research
- International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing*
- Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
- Journal of Communication Management
- Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior
- Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising*
- Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
- Journal of Financial Services Marketing
- Journal of Food Products Marketing*
- Journal of Global Fashion Marketing*
- Journal of Global Marketing*
- Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science*
- Journal of Historical Research in Marketing*
- Journal of Interactive Advertising
- Journal of International Consumer Marketing*
- Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing*
- Journal of Islamic Marketing*
- Journal of Marketing Behaviour
- Journal of Marketing Channels*
- Journal of Marketing Communications
- Journal of Marketing Education
- Journal of Marketing for Higher Education*
- Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice
- Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing
- Journal of Political Marketing*
- Journal of Promotion Management
- Journal of Public Affairs
- Journal of Public Relations Research
- Journal of Relationship Marketing*
- Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing*
- Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship*
- Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management
- Journal of Social Marketing
- Journal of the Association for Consumer Research *
- PRism
- Public Relations Inquiry*
- Qualitative Market Research: an international journal
- Service Business *
- Service Industries Journal
- Services Marketing Quarterly
- Social Marketing Quarterly*
- Sport Marketing Quarterly
- Young Consumers
- British Food Journal*
- Tobacco Control* (New entry)
C Journals
- Advances in International Marketing
- Advertising & Society Review
- Arts and the Market (formerly Arts Marketing)
- Asian Journal of Business Research
- Asian Journal of Marketing (SING)
- Canadian Journal of Marketing Research
- Indian Journal of Marketing * (New Entry)
- International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management
- International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing
- International Journal of Healthcare Management* (New Entry)
- International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing* (New Entry)
- International Journal of Sustainable Design
- International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development
- International Journal of Technology Marketing
- International Journal of Trade and Global Markets
- Irish Marketing Review
- Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education (JAME)
- Journal of Advertising Education
- Journal of Customer Behavior
- Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management
- Journal of Digital & Social Media Marketing
- Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science
- Journal of Euromarketing
- Journal of Food Distribution Research
- Journal of Hospitality Application and Research
- Journal of International Marketing and Exporting
- Journal of International Marketing and Marketing Research
- Journal of Marketing & Social Research
- Journal of Marketing Analytics* (New Entry)
- Journal of Medical Marketing
- Journal of Public Relations Education* (New Entry)
- Journal of Research for Consumers
- Journal of Selling
- Journal of Services Research
- Journal of Sponsorship
- Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing
- Marketing Bulletin
- Marketing Education Review
- Marketing Health Services
- Research in Consumer Behavior: a research annual
- Review of Marketing Science
- Revista Portuguesa de Marketing
- The Marketing Review
- Communication Research and Practice* (New Entry)