27 Sept 2013

Book on marketing cases from emerging markets is out

Finally received hard copies of our case study book today. Even though I have seen the proofs and the digital versions before, I cannot describe the feeling I felt when I held the book with my name on the cover, in my hands. My first book, even though it is as the editor.

It has been more than a year since I first proposed the book in our department meeting and there were times when it looked like the book was never going to be published. However, it has been published and I really have to thank Prashanth Mahagaonkar from Springer for his patience and allowing me to push forward the dateline three times.

This was a joint effort of several academics in the Department of Marketing and Advertising, Coventry Business School along with their collaborators. I would like to thank all the contributors, especially my co-editors, Sanjit Kumar Roy and Eva Kipnis.

Though I said "never again" when I finally sent off the final copy, seeing this book on my desk has changed my mind.

You can get the book from the following sites:

1. Springer: http://www.springer.com/business+%26+management/marketing/book/978-3-642-36860-8 £62.99

2. Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Marketing-Cases-Emerging-Markets-Dilip/dp/3642368603 £67.99

3. Waterstones: http://www.waterstones.com/waterstonesweb/products/dilip+s-+mutum/eva+kipnis/sanjit+kumar+roy/marketing+cases+from+emerging+markets/9630214/ £67.99

4. Book Depository: http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/Marketing-Cases-from-Emerging-Markets-Dilip-Mutum/9783642368608 £54.56 (the cheapest with free delivery Worldwide).

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