30 Jan 2019

Special issue call for papers from The Bottom Line

Calling for papers now on "Information, innovation and sustainability: The missing link?"

This is a special issue call for papers from The Bottom Line. The journal is indexed on Scopus.


Submissions can be conceptual or empirical (quantitative or qualitative) in nature. The main criterion for publication is that the submission has original value. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Link between innovation and sustainable consumption.
  • Environmental and sustainable claims in advertising.
  • Role of marketing communications in sustainable marketing.
  • Role of marketing communications in affecting innovation.
  • Emerging trends in sustainable marketing.
  • Challenges facing companies with regards to sustainable marketing.
  • How sustainable plans results innovation?
  • Using information in inspiring people to adopt specific sustainable behaviors.
  • Models of sustainable management

Some important dates:

Deadline: 30 January 2019  Now extended to 31st March 2019

Reviews returned: 1st June 2019
Revised papers submitted: 1st September 2019
Final papers due: 1st December 2019
Expected publication of special issue: Early 2020

For more information visit the link below:


First publication of 2019: Understanding New Religion-Compliant Product Adoption (NRCPA) in Islamic Markets

Just found out that one of my papers, titled "Understanding New Religion-Compliant Product Adoption (NRCPA) in Islamic Markets"  has been published online by the Journal of Global Marketing.

The authors of the paper were: Ali Homaid Al-hajla, Bang Nguyen, T C Melewar, Chanaka Jayawardhena, Ezlika Ghazali & Dilip S. Mutum .

This study examines the relationships between religious beliefs, brand personality, and new religion-compliant product adoption (NRCPA) in Islamic markets. Findings confirm that religious consumers tend to behave in accordance with a society or group that follows the same beliefs, and that these consumers’ behavior and lifestyle are influenced by similar religious groups and social relationships. In addition, the more religious the consumer, the more likely they will adopt or favour/disfavour a new product in accordance with his/her religious beliefs. Finally, the three constructs–relative advantages, compatibility and complexity–are found to partially mediate the influential relationship between religious beliefs and new religion-compliant product adoption. International firms that target Muslim markets, with an aim to profit and fit in these markets, must take into account the Islamic values, standards and guidelines.

Keywords: Religious beliefs, brand personality, new religion-compliant product adoption, Islamic branding, Muslim market

There are 50 free online copies of their article. Use the link below to view and download the paper:

1 Jan 2019

Year end review post

As the year 2018 draws to a close, I thought I should do a year end review.

This has been a fantastic year:

Two consultancies successfully completed.

Joined the editorial team of International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, as an Associate Editor.

One book review published:

Dilip S. Mutum and Bang Nguyen (2018). Book review: The future of Indian universities: comparative and international perspectives, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 28(1), 153-154.

One edited book accepted for publication by Springer and coming out early 2019. This would be my 4th edited book:

Management of Shari’ah Compliant Businesses - Case Studies on Creation of Sustainable Value.

Six journal papers published:
  1. Ezlika Ghazali, Dilip Mutum and Mei Yuen Woon (2018). Exploring Player Behavior and Motivations to Continue Playing Pokémon GOInformation Technology & People.
  2. Butt, M.M., Yingchen, Y., Mohd-Any, A.A., Mutum, D.S., Ting, H. and Khong, K. W. (2018). Antecedents of consumer-based electronic retail brand equity: an integrated model, Asian Academy of Management Journal, 23(2),  69–99. 
  3. Ezlika M. Ghazali, Dilip S. Mutum and Nanang Ariswibowo (2018). Impact of Religious Values and Habit on an Extended Green Purchase Behaviour Model, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 42 (6), 639-654. 
  4. Ezlika Ghazali, Dilip S. Mutum, Chong Jiu Hui and Bang Nguyen (2018). Do Consumers Want Mobile Commerce? A Closer Look at M-Shopping and Technology Adoption in Malaysia Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics,  30(4), 1064-1086.  
  5. Butt, M.; de-Run, E.; U-Din, A.; Mutum, D., (2018). Religious symbolism in Islamic financial service advertisements, Journal of Islamic Marketing  9(2), 384-401. 
  6. Mutum, D.S., Ghazali, E.M., Mohd-Any, A.A. and Nguyen, B. (2018). Avoidance of sponsored posts on consumer-generated content: a study of personal blogs, The Bottom Line, 31(1), 76-94.
And finally two journal papers accepted for publication:

Ezlika Ghazali, Dilip Mutum and Mei Yuen Woon (2019, forthcoming). Multiple Sequential Mediation in an Extended Uses and Gratifications Model of Augmented Reality Game Pokémon Go, Internet Research.

Al-hajla, A.H., Nguyen, B., Melewar, T.C., Jayawardhena, C., Mutum, D.  and Ghazali, E. (2019, forthcoming). Understanding the adoption of new religion-compliant products (NRCP) in Islamic markets. Journal of Global Marketing.

Wishing all visitors to my blog a very Happy, Prosperous and Healthy New Year, 2019.

The new CABS AJG 2024 Marketing Journals list

The new Academic Journal Guide 2024 has come out. This is the latest version published by the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CAB...