24 May 2018

Vlog about the book The Halo Effect ...and the Eight Other Business Delusions that Deceive Managers

Here is a video I made some time back. A review of the must read book -  The Halo Effect ...and the Eight Other Business Delusions that Deceive Managers by Phil Rosenzweig.

23 Apr 2018

Call for paper - Special issue of Journal of Service Theory and Practice

Helping to spread the word for my old friend Dr. Sanjit Roy who is guest editing a special issue of Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Emerald Group Publishing (ABDC A). He is co-editing the journal with Dr Harjit Sekhon (Coventry University) and Dr Bang Nguyen (Associate Professor of Marketing).

The theme of the special issue is “Service Research in Emerging Markets: Business as Usual?”

Click the link below for more information:


21 Mar 2018

Of Abandoned Staff Quarters in Public Universities

Passed by new construction work inside the campus of a local University, which will remain un-named for specific reasons.

And after a while, also passed by some old residential houses meant for staff that lay abandoned. Apparently so many of them are uninhabitable and some have been overtaken by mother nature and are now homes for rare flora and fauna. While the number of staff queuing up for houses is in hundreds and growing.

I guess the problem is not building enough but rather the lack of maintenance. Or maybe it is cheaper to tear down these decade old houses and build new ones on the same place rather than repairing them.

I simply have no idea.

19 Mar 2018

Updated ABS Marketing Journals List 2018

The much-awaited Chartered Association of Business Schools’ Academic Journal Guide 2018 is finally out.

I have to say that I am really disappointed. The list is practically the same. The major change seems to be the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, which has moved up from 4 to 4* and four journals which have entered the list under the 1 journals, namely, Journal of Communication Management, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Journal of Social Marketing and Young Consumers.

Here is the updated list of Marketing journals:

Journal of Consumer Psychology
Journal of Consumer Research
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Marketing Research
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Marketing Science

International Journal of Research in Marketing
Journal of Retailing

European Journal of Marketing
Industrial Marketing Management
International Marketing Review
Journal of Advertising
Journal of Advertising Research
Journal of Interactive Marketing (formerly JDM)
Journal of International Marketing
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
Marketing Letters
Marketing Theory
Psychology and Marketing
Quantitative Marketing and Economics

Academy of Marketing Science Review
Advances in Consumer Research
Consumption, Markets and Culture
Electronic Markets
International Journal of Advertising
International Journal of Consumer Studies
International Journal of Market Research
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
Journal of Brand Management
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
Journal of Consumer Affairs
Journal of Consumer Behavior
Journal of Macromarketing
Journal of Marketing Management
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice
Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Journal of Services Marketing
Journal of Strategic Marketing
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal

Advances in International Marketing
Australasian Marketing Journal
Corporate Communications: An International Journal
Corporate Reputation Review
Health Marketing Quarterly
International Journal of Bank Marketing
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing
International Review of Public and Non-profit marketing
International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research
Journal of Communication Management
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Journal of Customer Behavior
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
Journal of Financial Services Marketing
Journal of Global Marketing
Journal of marketing channels
Journal of Marketing Communications
Journal of Marketing for Higher Education
Journal of Non-Profit and Public Sector Marketing
Journal of Product and Brand Management
Journal of Relationship Marketing
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing
Journal of Social Marketing
Marketing Intelligence and Planning
Review of Marketing Science
Services Marketing Quarterly
Social Marketing Quarterly
Young Consumers.

Academic Journal Guide 2018

13 Mar 2018

Joined the International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management editorial team

Just wanted to share with all my readers.

I have been appointed as Associate Editor for the International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management.

Published by Emerald, the journal is listed in the Australian Business Dean's Council list (C) as well as the Chartered Association of Business Schools Academic Journal Guide 2015 (1) under Finance.

It is also listed in Scorpus and in the Emerging Sources Citation Index.

To submit to this journal, please visit the Author Guidelines page.

28 Jan 2018

Marketing Research Areas

Quite sometime back, a colleague once asked (jokingly, I should add), why does marketing have so many modules? All you need is one Marketing module.

I didn't know whether to laugh or to be annoyed. However, I later found out that despite it's importance, marketing is often looked down by academics in other fields. The problem is that they associate marketing with only one thing - selling/ promotion/ advertising.

In fact, we are probably the only discipline which links directly to the most important factor in business - the customer.

That's why I always joke (though it is the reality): you can have a great engineering team, a great HR team, the best accountants and finance people, the best managers. However, if you don't have a good marketing team, you are done for because no customers means no jobs, no accounting, and of course no managers.

Anyway, if you have always wondered what Marketing is all about, take a look at the various tracks at the UK's Academy of Marketing Conference 2018.

  1. Arts and Heritage
  2. B2B Marketing
  3. Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation
  4. Consumer Psychology and Cross-Cultural Research
  5. Consumer Behaviour
  6. Consumer Culture Theory
  7. Critical Marketing
  8. Entrepreneurial and Small Business Marketing
  9. E-Marketing and Digital Marketing
  10. Ethics and Marketing
  11. Fashion Marketing and Consumption
  12. International Marketing
  13. Marketing Case Studies
  14. Marketing Communications
  15. Marketing Education
  16. Marketing of Higher Education
  17. Marketing Research and Methodology
  18. Marketing Segmentation and Target Marketing Strategy
  19. Non-Profit and Social Marketing
  20. Place Marketing and Branding
  21. Political Marketing
  22. Retail Marketing
  23. Services and Customer Relationship Marketing
  24. Sports and Events Marketing
  25. Strategic Marketing
  26. Sustainability
  27. Tourism Marketing
Yes, that's a total of 27 different tracks. 

10 Jan 2018

Marketing our research papers

I am an active member on Quora.com and I saw a very interesting question: "Do you think academic researchers should market their papers to create wider reach for the work?"

I wanted to share it with the audience on my blog as well. I have edited the answer a bit.

According to the American Marketing Association (AMA, 2012) marketing refers to: 
"the activity, set of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large."
According to a study in 2007, half of academic papers are read only by their authors, referees and journal editors. I guess we academics have ourselves to blame as we tend to focus largely on the theoretical contributions and also limit the discussions mostly within the academic community.
However, changes in the way our Key Performance Indices (KPIs) are measured and funders disperse their money, have slowly resulted in changes in the way we view and carry out research as well. Most educational institutions of higher learning which have a research focus as well as funders, now require you to show the “impact” of the research. This impact includes evidence on how the results were circulated on mass media, implementation by industry or target audiences, etc.
The main issue is that many academics are not media savvy and do not really know how to market their research. Many researchers feel uneasy with promoting themselves. One Professor told me, "Your research should speak for itself". However, as indicated earlier, this may not be as straightforward if only 3 people read your research. Moreover, researchers tend to move on to the next project once they end the previous one - happy that they have a conference proceeding or two and a journal paper from the research and then move on to the next one. Again this is due to pressure from institutions to churn out research papers regularly to meet KPIs, University rankings and quality certifications.
Coming back to the definition of marketing in this context, we can market our research by looking at how we can create value from our research. We also need to be media savvy and should reach out to the general public. 
Thankfully, I can see that many of us are now active on social media and sharing our research and knowledge with everyone who cares to listen and we are also finding out what people think about our research. Engaging and collaborating with organisations (including NGOs, Governments and Corporates), allows us to fine tune our research to meet and satisfy specific needs and requirements.
Hopefully, this will increase the reach of our research.

Marketing and FT 50 Journals list

Another prestigious list of business journals is the FT 50 Journals list . This is a list 50 journals compiled by the Financial Times and in...