1 Dec 2019

FASS Research Excellence Award 2019

Was delighted to be recognised by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Nottingham Malaysia for my research contributions for the year 2018. You might be wondering "Why 2018"? Well, it is like the impact factor for journals, we were judged based on our performance in 2018.

I didn't really expect to win but while going through the work I had done last year, I was actually quite surprised I had actually achieved a lot.

This included the completion of a Government-funded project; successful completion of 2 consultancy projects; delivery of 2 guest lectures in 2 public Universities in Malaysia; successful supervision of 8 Masters students; publication of 7 journal papers, an external examiner for 2 PhD theses, reviewed 9 journals and conference proceedings and received an Outstanding contribution in Reviewing award from the journal, Technological forcasting and social change.

The new CABS AJG 2024 Marketing Journals list

The new Academic Journal Guide 2024 has come out. This is the latest version published by the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CAB...