13 Jul 2014

Paper presented at Academy of Marketing Conference 2014

Attended the Academy of marketing conference 2014 which was hosted by the University of Bournemouth. The venue was the Bournemouth Highcliffe Marriott - with lovely views of the coast.

I had a minor hiccup during registration- I will not go into the details but really happy that the organisers were extremely helpful.

I had two papers this time - one titled 'Consumer Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility: Study of An Oil and Gas Company in Nigeria', which I co-authored with Ikechukwu Obialor (my ex student) and Ezlika Ghazali. I presented this paper on the 9th and had some great feedback and comments. Thinking of taking this paper further and proceed to submit to a journal and maybe expanding the research with a funding application.

Here is the abstract:
"This paper presents the results of an exploratory study into the the perceptions and feelings of consumers towards the corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts of an American oil and gas MNC in the Niger Delta of Nigeria. It examines the concerns and some of the links between ethics and CSR. Some managerial implications and recommendations for further study are presented."
The second paper was presented by my colleague, Hsiao‐Pei Yang (Sophie) and the paper was titled The Impact of Internal Information on EWOM in Online Forums for University Selection: A Study of Taiwanese Students. She presented this paper on the 10th. I was unable to attend the session as I had to leave early.

Here is the abstract of this paper:
"This study compares two student groups to examine the impact of internal information on the use of electronic word‐of‐mouth (eWOM) from online forums.
The data of this study reported findings from 34 in‐depth interviews and reveals how potential students, as opinion seekers and receivers of eWOM, use online forums to reduce perceived risks in university selection. The findings compared the similarities and differences between the use of eWOM of two student groups, suggesting that due to the limited internal information and higher perceived risks associated with studying overseas, participants who are international students value reviewers' expertise more and rely more on eWOM from online forums than their counterparts who are home‐based students. Participants from both groups evaluate reviewers' comments on courses by filtering overly positive or negative reviews and examining valence and volume of eWOM for judging teaching quality of preferred universities." 
Only found out later that they were giving away electronic versions of the proceedings in smart drives on the 10th. I wish they have it up on a site like the ACR conferences.

Anyway, one of the highlights of the conference was the "Meeting the editors" session. Learnt a few new things on getting papers accepted and I do need to get some papers out in high raking journals.

Also met some old friends which I have not seen for years and also made a few new friends as well.

This was my 4th AM conference and it definitely was the best so far.

2 Jul 2014

Quantitative Mehods: Which statistical test to use?

I wrote this post in another blog a couple of years ago and thought I should share this here as well:

If you are going to statistically analyse your data, knowing the right statistical test is absolutely essential. However, even if you have taken a couple of statistical courses, it is often difficult to decide which ones are the most relevant or correct tests.

If you are in that position you might find these links useful:

Don't be surprised if your data can be analysed in many different ways depending on your objectives and hypotheses.

The new CABS AJG 2024 Marketing Journals list

The new Academic Journal Guide 2024 has come out. This is the latest version published by the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CAB...