12 Nov 2017

Call for Case Study Chapters

I would like to invite all those who are interested to contribute an original, real case study for publication in our book titled: 'Management of Shari’ah Compliant Businesses – Case Studies on Creation of Sustainable Value' which will be published by Springer next year.

Authors are expected to submit original and real life case studies (not published elsewhere) on Islamic finance, marketing and management.

If you are interested, please email me (dilip.mutum@nottingham.edu.my) an expression of interest - a short outline or abstract (maximum of 500 words) by 11th of December, 2017.

More Info about the book:

Dr. Ezlika Ghazali, Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Dr. Dilip Mutum, Associate Professor of Marketing, Nottingham University Business School, The University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus, Malaysia
Dr. Mamunur Rashid, Assistant Professor of Finance, Nottingham University Business School, The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Malaysia
Dr. Jashim Uddin Ahmed, Professor of Management, Department of Management, School of Business & Economics, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Type of publication:
The book aims at presenting high quality case studies in the context of Islamic finance, banking, entrepreneurship, insurance, capital market, management, Halal marketing, etc. that deal with consumer perception, services orientation, new product development, risk management,
industry readiness for better customer satisfaction, and policy issues coupling strategy and best practices. Asian countries, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, hold a larger portion of Islamic assets. Hence, we have decided to limit the scope of this book within the Asian context.

Only original case studies based on primary as well as secondary research that are not published elsewhere will be considered.

3 Sept 2017

Paper on Consumers’ Values for Buying Organic Personal Care Products published

Our paper titled Health and Cosmetics: Investigating Consumers’ Values for Buying Organic Personal Care Products has been published in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.

This is one of the fastest I have ever had a paper published. It was submitted on 28 March 2017. Revised 24 June 2017. Accepted on 2 August 2017 and available online 10 August 2017.

Here is the abstract of the paper:
In investigating consumers’ intentions to re-purchase organic personal care products (PCP), this study extends the theory of planned behaviour by including perceived value dimensions as the antecedents of attitude in the model. The findings revealed that most of the hypothesised relationships linking the consumer perceived value constructs (namely, health, safety, hedonic and environmental) with attitude towards the rebuying of organic PCP, were supported. Also, better product knowledge about organic PCP would lead to more positive attitudes towards re-purchasing the product. In contrast, social value was not important in predicting attitude. Similarly, the influence of subjective norm on rebuying intention was not supported. In terms of ranking of importance with regards to prediction of re-purchasing intention, attitude was the most important predictor followed by perceived behavioural control, product knowledge, hedonic value, environmental value and safety value.

You can download the paper for free till September 29, 2017 using this link below:

Ghazali, E., Soon, P.C., Mutum, D. S. and Nguyen, B. (2017). Health and cosmetics: Investigating consumers’ values for buying organic personal care products, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 39, 154-163.

8 Feb 2017

Most citations

Was going through Google Scholar today morning and was pleasantly surprised to learn that one of my journal papers has been cited 101 times (as of today).

The paper titled "A review of customer relationship management: successes, advances, pitfalls and futures" was co written with my friend Bang Nguyen. According to the journal, the paper has been downloaded 11298 times since 2012.

This has been my most cited paper all time and was totally unexpected as it was a conceptual paper and I did not think much about it. However, I have since then realised that many of the most cited academic papers are actually conceptual papers as opposed to the empirical research papers. Just take a look at some of the ground breaking Harvard Business Review papers.

My second most cited paper is a book chapter which I co-authored during my PhD days with my supervisor Professor Qing Wang. The chapter titled "Consumer generated advertising in blogs" in the book  'Handbook of Research on Digital Media and Advertising: User Generated Content Consumption (Vol 1)', edited by Matthew S. Eastin; Terry Daugherty and Neal M. Burns and published by IGI Global, has now been cited 35 times.

Anyway here is the link to my journal paper:

Nguyen, B., & Mutum, D. S. (2012). A review of customer relationship management: successes, advances, pitfalls and futures. Business Process Management Journal, 18(3), 400-419.

22 Jan 2017

Book on Islamic Finance, Marketing, and Management is now out

I am delighted to announce that our latest edited book is finally out. The book 'Advances in Islamic Finance, Marketing, and Management: An Asian Perspective' is co-edited with Dr. Mohammad Mohsin Butt, Associate Professor of Marketing at Curtin University Malaysia and Dr. Mamunur Rashid Assistant, Professor of Finance at Nottingham University Business School.

advance in Islamic finance, marketing and management

With contributions from 35 experts, this book is targeted at both academics and practitioners who are interested and assist in making Shariah-centric strategies.

Here is the preface from the book:
The Islamic financial industries have been growing at a double-digit rate for over a decade now. Referring particularly to the post-financial crisis era, challenges of the management of Islamic financial, management and marketing have reached new heights. Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) from the South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Middle Eastern countries hold a major percentage of Islamic assets. New opportunities are opening up in the Central Asian countries as well. Currently, the knowledge base on Shari’ah-compliant business and finance is particularly limited, and largely written on the development of finance and allied industries. Experts foresee the need for a useful integration of Islamic finance, halal marketing, and management of Islamic businesses.
This book “Advances in Islamic Finance, Marketing, and Management: An Asian Perspective” aims to balance these gaps by focusing on the Asian perspective of Islamic businesses and by incorporating, alongside finance, the development in Islamic marketing and management of Islamic business. The book is divided into three sections, considering:
Islamic finance that includes topics on Islamic equity and mutual funds, risk and performance of Islamic banks, long-term investment and Sukuk, dynamics of credit portfolios, and financial crimes in Islamic perspective.
Islamic marketing that includes topics on Islamic marketing theory, halal marketing in several Asian markets, and halal logistics.
Islamic business management that includes topics on management of Zakat institutions, and the corporate social responsibility in Islamic organizations.
A group of international experts offer original conceptual articles, empirical research findings, case studies, and critical reviews in the areas of Islamic finance, banking, capital market, halal marketing, consumer perception, services orientation, risk management, industry readiness for better customer satisfaction, as well as policy issues coupling strategy and best practices. As expected, major portion of the discussion surrounds already established Islamic finance industry and a preliminary discussion on the management of businesses. The book can be considered as a guidebook for the academicians as well as the practitioners in the areas of Islamic finance, marketing, and management.

Paper on digital government service quality published in the Journal of Service Theory and Practice

Our paper, " Occupational stress as a mediator between organisational intelligence traits and digital government service quality: a tri...