31 Aug 2014

Inviting Contributors to a Services Marketing Case Study Book

Following the success of our book on 'Marketing Cases from Emerging Markets', edited by Mutum, D.; Roy, S. K. & Kipnis, E., Springer has commissioned Dr. Sanjit Roy, Dr. Bang Nguyen, and I to edit a book entitled 'Services Marketing Cases in Emerging Markets'.

The book is a comprehensive collection of case studies by seminal authors that provides key reviews and analyses on the leading thinking in services marketing across Asia. We believe you would be an excellent contributor and would like to kindly invite you to contribute a chapter on a topic of your choice (please see list in the attachment). If you are able to accept, the deadline for final submission is 15 May 2015.

Please do not hesitate to contact me> should you require further information.

Our timelines are as follows:
Expression of Interest with description of case (1 page or less): 15 October 2014
Full Case Submission: 15 May 2015

20 Aug 2014

Introduction to SEM using AMOS 20.0 - Workshop at University of Malaya

Just helping to create some buzz for a workshop on structural equation modelling(SEM) using AMOS 20.0. The workshop is run by Dr. Mohd Awang Idris, a Senior Lecturer in Work Psychology, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya and is organised by CCISUM (Communication and Cultural Innovation and Support, University of Malaya). This is part of their series of Super Sessions.

More information about the workshop:

Date: 21-22, August 2014
Time: 9:00 - 5:00pm
Venue: Computer Lab, Faculty of Science, University Malaya

Click the link below for more information:

AMOS workshop

The new CABS AJG 2024 Marketing Journals list

The new Academic Journal Guide 2024 has come out. This is the latest version published by the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CAB...