3 Dec 2020

Social media handbook for academics

Updated 1/1/23

I have a new book. Titled "Social media handbook for academics", it is not exactly new as it came out in February 2020 and I had planned to get it into various bookstores in Malaysia. However, the Covid19 pandemic scuttled all my plans. 

We had hoped that the publisher, Penerbit UMT, would help in distributing the book but they did not. It was not even listed on their website. If you do decide to publish with them, be aware that you would have to handle the distribution and promotion of the book yourself. I will write a post about the whole process and a review of their services soon. The book is now listed on the Penerbit UMT site as well as on Shopee at a bargain price of just RM17. 
I co-authored this book with Dr. Ezlika Ghazali and Rahil Mutum. This handbook is based on some articles/tutorials I wrote for the Wolfson Research Exchange website, University of Warwick Library, way back in 2011. The original articles/tutorials were directed specifically at academics and researchers. Those articles and tutorials have now been updated and extended to reflect the various developments and updates in social media since 2011. 

The current handbook discusses the use of social media for research and academic purposes including, how these tools can be used for personal branding by academics. This handbook focuses specifically on the more popular and better-known social media channels, namely Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram as well as blogs. We hope this work would inspire academics to engage more widely with social media channels. 

We wrote this handbook in such a way that the information provided is short and succinct in an easy-to-understand language. 

It has a total of 7 chapters as follows: 
Chapter 1 : Why Should Academics be on Social Media?
Chapter 2 : Why Should Academics Blog?
Chapter 3 : Facebook for Researchers
Chapter 4 : Using LinkedIn for Networking and Personal Branding
Chapter 5 : Using Twitter for Research and To Boost Your Research Profile
Chapter 6 : Leveraging the Power of Instagram
Chapter 7 : Concluding Thoughts

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