8 Feb 2017

Most citations

Was going through Google Scholar today morning and was pleasantly surprised to learn that one of my journal papers has been cited 101 times (as of today).

The paper titled "A review of customer relationship management: successes, advances, pitfalls and futures" was co written with my friend Bang Nguyen. According to the journal, the paper has been downloaded 11298 times since 2012.

This has been my most cited paper all time and was totally unexpected as it was a conceptual paper and I did not think much about it. However, I have since then realised that many of the most cited academic papers are actually conceptual papers as opposed to the empirical research papers. Just take a look at some of the ground breaking Harvard Business Review papers.

My second most cited paper is a book chapter which I co-authored during my PhD days with my supervisor Professor Qing Wang. The chapter titled "Consumer generated advertising in blogs" in the book  'Handbook of Research on Digital Media and Advertising: User Generated Content Consumption (Vol 1)', edited by Matthew S. Eastin; Terry Daugherty and Neal M. Burns and published by IGI Global, has now been cited 35 times.

Anyway here is the link to my journal paper:

Nguyen, B., & Mutum, D. S. (2012). A review of customer relationship management: successes, advances, pitfalls and futures. Business Process Management Journal, 18(3), 400-419.

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