28 Oct 2013

Starting salaries of Marketing lecturers at different British Universities

Note: This list has not been updated since 2014 and starting salaries may have changed.

Updated: 4 June 2014 (added Bournemouth University & Keele University)

While glancing at some of the lecturing jobs (in Marketing) coming through my inbox, I was quite surprised at the range of starting salaries at various Universities in the UK. As expected, most of the older and more established, Russell group of Universities, have high starting salaries as compared to most of the younger Universities. However, there were some surprises. The 2nd most highest starting pay is actually offered by the University of East Anglia. So far, the lowest starting pay is offered by the University of Southampton, a Russell Group University.

The starting pay at the University of the West of Scotland, Scotland’s largest modern university, was also much higher than either Coventry University or Swansea University.

If you have a PhD + teaching experience + publications, I would strongly recommend negotiating for a higher pay. DO NOT START AT THE BASE IF POSSIBLE. Nobody told me that I could negotiate my salary when I started and just accepted what was offered to me.

Given below are the starting salaries Lecturers in Marketing of some Universities based on recent ads on Jobs.ac.uk with the highest starting salaries on top alphabetically:

Aston University, Aston Business School
£37,382 - £44,607

University of Bath, School of Management
Lecturer (Assistant Professor): £37,756 -  £45,053

University of Bedfordshire
£31,331 - £37,382

University of Birmingham, College of Social Sciences, Birmingham Business School, Department of Marketing 
£37,756 - £45,053 (with potential progression to £50,688 a year)

Bournemouth University, Business School, The Department of Strategy and Marketing
£31,644 - £36,661 (with further progression opportunities to £40,046)

University of Brighton, Business School
£32,590 to £38,907

Brunel University - Brunel Business School
£34,223 - £44,607 incl. London Weighting.

Cardiff University - Cardiff Business School *
£30,728 - £36,661 (Grade 6)
£38,907 - £45,053  (Grade 7)  BEST STARTING PAY 1

Coventry University, Coventry Business School
£30,426 - £37,386  (Grade 7)

University of East Anglia
£38,522 - £44,607 BEST STARTING PAY 2

University of Glasgow - Adam Smith Business School, College of Social Sciences 
£32,267 - £36,298

Glasgow Caledonian University - Glasgow School for Business & Society, Department of Business Management
£38,522 - £44,607  (Grade 7). BEST STARTING PAY 2

Keele University, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, Keele Management School

Grade 7a: £32,590 to £37,756

Lancaster University - Lancaster University Management School, Marketing Department
£32,267 - £44,607

University of Leeds - Leeds University Business School 
£33,230 - £36,298

University of Leicester, School of Management
Grade 8 – Extended Lecturer Scale- £36,661 to £45,053 per annum

University of Liverpool 
£31,331 - £36,298

Liverpool Hope University - Liverpool Hope Business School
£30,728 to £36,661  (Grade 7)

The University of Northampton
£31,331 - £44,607

Northumbria University - Faculty of Business and Law Newcastle Business School
 £32,590 - £36,661

University of Nottingham - Nottingham University Business School 
(For Assistant Professor): £36,298 - £44,607

Nottingham Trent University - College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, Nottingham Business School
£30,728 - £45,053

Oxford Brookes University
£32,267 - £35,244

Queens University Belfast 
£33,230 - £48,729

University of Reading, Henley Business School
£37,756 to £46,400  (Grade 7)

Regent's University London, Department of Marketing and Strategy
£34,000 - £36,000

University of Salford, Salford Business School
£37,756 - £45,053

University of Strathclyde, Strathclyde Business School

Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield Business School, Department of Management
£31,644 to £35,597

University of Southampton, Southampton Management School   LOWEST STARTING PAY
£27,854 - £57,743

University of Sussex - School of Business, Management and Economics
£33,562 - £45,053

Swansea University - School of Management
£31,331 - £36,298

University of Warwick - Warwick Business School 
(For Assistant Professor): £37,382 - £44,607

University of the West of England, Bristol
£30,424 - £45,941

University of Wolverhampton - Business School
£32,267 - £45,941

University of York - The York Management School 
£36,298 - £44,607

Russell group of Universities

NOTE: I am still building up the list and any input from my readers are welcome.

Past updates:

27 May 2014
9 May 201424 April 2014
6 April 2014 - arranged the Universities alphabetically.
21 March 2014
25 Nov. 2013. I have changed Red Brick to Russell Group of Universities.
7 Nov. 2013: I have added a few more Universities to the list. Thanks to all my friends for their input.

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