This is a long-overdue post.
Here is the 2022 list of marketing journals in the ABDC Journal Quality List.
No major changes. Some new additions. Previously there were only 60 B journals. The number has now increased to 63. The Spanish Journal of Marketing is a new entrant to the list as a B journal. E-Service Journal and Journal of Business Market Management were previously in another category and are now listed under the Marketing field.
A* Journals
- European Journal of Marketing
- Industrial Marketing Management
- International Journal of Research in Marketing
- Journal of Consumer Psychology
- Journal of Consumer Research
- Journal of Marketing
- Journal of Marketing Research
- Journal of Retailing
- Journal of Service Research
- Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
- Marketing Science
- Appetite
- Australasian Marketing Journal
- Food Quality and Preference
- Health Promotion International
- International Journal of Advertising
- International Journal of Bank Marketing
- International Journal of Consumer Studies
- International Journal of Market Research
- International Journal of Public Opinion Research
- International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
- International Marketing Review
- Journal of Advertising
- Journal of Advertising Research
- Journal of Brand Management
- Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
- Journal of Business Research
- Journal of Consumer Affairs
- Journal of Consumer Behaviour
- Journal of Consumer Marketing
- Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management
- Journal of Interactive Marketing
- Journal of International Marketing
- Journal of Macromarketing
- Journal of Marketing Management
- Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management
- Journal of Product & Brand Management
- Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
- Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
- Journal of Service Theory and Practice
- Journal of Services Marketing
- Journal of Strategic Marketing
- Marketing Intelligence & Planning
- Marketing Letters
- Marketing Theory
- Psychology & Marketing
- Public Relations Review
- Quantitative Marketing and Economics
- Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
- Academy of Marketing Studies Journal
- Advances in Consumer Research
- AMS Review
- Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal
- Consumption, Markets and Culture
- Corporate Communications
- Customer Needs and Solutions
- Health Marketing Quarterly
- International Journal of Emerging Markets
- International Journal of Enterprise Network Management
- International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing
- International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences
- International Journal of Sports Management and Marketing
- International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship
- International Journal of Strategic Communication
- International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research
- International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing
- Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
- Journal of Communication Management
- Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior
- Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising
- Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
- Journal of Financial Services Marketing
- Journal of Food Products Marketing
- Journal of Global Fashion Marketing
- Journal of Global Marketing
- Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
- Journal of Historical Research in Marketing
- Journal of Interactive Advertising
- Journal of International Consumer Marketing
- Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing
- Journal of Inter-Organizational Relationships
- Journal of Islamic Marketing
- Journal of Marketing Behaviour
- Journal of Marketing Communications
- Journal of Marketing Education
- Journal of Marketing for Higher Education
- Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice
- Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing
- Journal of Political Marketing
- Journal of Promotion Management
- Journal of Public Affairs
- Journal of Public Relations Research
- Journal of Relationship Marketing
- Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing
- Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship
- Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management
- Journal of Social Marketing
- Journal of the Association for Consumer Research
- PRism
- Public Relations Inquiry
- Qualitative Market Research: an international journal
- Service Business
- Service Industries Journal
- Services Marketing Quarterly
- Social Marketing Quarterly
- Spanish Journal of Marketing – ESIC
- Sport Marketing Quarterly
- Young Consumers
- British Food Journal
- E-Service Journal
- Journal of Business Market Management
- Tobacco Control
- Advances in International Marketing
- Advertising & Society Review
- Arts and the Market (formerly Arts Marketing)
- Asian Journal of Business Research
- Asian Journal of Marketing (SING)
- Canadian Journal of Marketing Research
- Indian Journal of Marketing
- International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management
- International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing
- International Journal of Healthcare Management
- International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing
- International Journal of Sustainable Design
- International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development
- International Journal of Technology Marketing
- International Journal of Trade and Global Markets
- Irish Marketing Review
- Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education (JAME)
- Journal of Advertising Education
- Journal of Customer Behavior
- Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management
- Journal of Digital & Social Media Marketing
- Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science
- Journal of Euromarketing
- Journal of Food Distribution Research
- Journal of Hospitality Application and Research
- Journal of International Marketing and Exporting
- Journal of International Marketing and Marketing Research
- Journal of Marketing & Social Research
- Journal of Marketing Analytics
- Journal of Medical Marketing
- Journal of Public Relations Education
- Journal of Research for Consumers
- Journal of Selling
- Journal of Services Research
- Journal of Sponsorship
- Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing
- Marketing Bulletin
- Marketing Education Review
- Marketing Health Services
- Research in Consumer Behavior: a research annual
- Review of Marketing Science
- Revista Portuguesa de Marketing
- The Marketing Review
- Communication Research and Practice
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