The 2019 List of Top 50 Marketing Profs on Twitter is now out.
This is the updated list of Marketing professors who tweet 2016. Some changes from the previous list in 2015. Most have gained new followers though a few have lost followers. Mark Schaefer from Rutgers University is on top with 147K followers.
One new entry at 24 is D. Steven White.
Not sure why, but there is a big gap between the 6th and 7th positions.
Again, Marketing Profs refer to academics in the area of marketing and related subjects in academic institutions of higher learning. These include some in Psychology and Public Relations. They are the "Gurus" and opinion leaders in the field of Marketing.
The ranking is based on the number of followers as of 7 December 2016.
I proudly represent Malaysia and India on the list at 17th
Note: Please let me know if you want to be added to/ removed from the list.
This is the updated list of Marketing professors who tweet 2016. Some changes from the previous list in 2015. Most have gained new followers though a few have lost followers. Mark Schaefer from Rutgers University is on top with 147K followers.
One new entry at 24 is D. Steven White.
Not sure why, but there is a big gap between the 6th and 7th positions.
Again, Marketing Profs refer to academics in the area of marketing and related subjects in academic institutions of higher learning. These include some in Psychology and Public Relations. They are the "Gurus" and opinion leaders in the field of Marketing.
The ranking is based on the number of followers as of 7 December 2016.
I proudly represent Malaysia and India on the list at 17th
Note: Please let me know if you want to be added to/ removed from the list.
- Mark Schaefer (@markwschaefer) - Rutgers University - 147K
- Dan Ariely (@danariely) - Duke University - 123K
- Nancy Richmond (@NancyRichmond) - Florida International University - 109K
- Travis Langley (@Superherologist) - Henderson State University - 107K
- Anthony Miyazaki (@AnthonyMiyazaki) - Florida International University - 90.5K
- Gary R. Schirr (@ProfessorGary) - Radford University - 75.6K
- Patrick Strother (@PatrickStrother) - University of Minnesota - 34K
- Jennifer Aaker (@aaker) - Stanford University - 25.5K
- David Gerzof Richard (@davidgerzof) - Emerson College - 22.5K
- Bang Nguyen (@ProfBangNguyen) - East China Univ. of Science and Technology - 17.1K
- Mike Johansson (@mikejny) - Rochester Institute of Technology - 16K
- Tracy Tuten (@brandacity) - East Carolina University - 13.3K
- David Aaker (@DavidAaker) - University of California - 12.9K
- Carol Phillips (@carol_phillips) - University of Notre Dame - 12.7K
- Kimberly Whitler (@KimWhitler) - University of Virginia - 12K
- Simon Chadwick (@Prof_Chadwick) - Salford University - 11.5K
- Dilip Mutum (@admutum) - The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus - 9859
- Lauri Harrison (@lharrison) - Columbia University - 9066
- Jim Joseph (@JimJosephExp) - New York University - 9347
- Markus Giesler (@DrGiesler) - York University - 7541
- Byron Sharp (@ProfByron) - University of South Australia - 7230
- Christophe Benavent (@Benavent) - Paris Ouest University - 7168
- Denny McCorkle (@DennyMcCorkle) - University of Northern Colorado - 6944
- D. Steven White (@dstevenwhite) - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth - 6185
- John Deighton (@HBSmktg) - Harvard University - 6013
- Karen Russell (@KarenRussell) - University of Georgia - 5237
- Richard Ladwein (@rladwein) - Université de Lille - 4876
- Barbara Kahn (@barbarakahn) - University of Pennsylvania - 4566
- Jaideep Prabhu (@JaideepPrabhu) - University of Cambridge - 3587
- Philip Kotler (@kotl) - Northwestern University - 3565
- Robert Kozinets (@Kozinets) - York University - 3272
- Eric Vernette (@VernetteE) - Toulouse University - 3072
- T. Bettina Cornwell (@BettinaCornwell) - University of Oregon - 3062
- Miguel Guinalíu (@GUINALIU) - University of Zaragoza - 2934
- Steven H. Seggie (@Seggitorial) - Özyeğin University - 2527
- Tom van Laer (@tvanlaer) - City University London - 2147
- Dirk vom Lehn (@dirkvl) - King’s College London - 2117
- Aric Rindfleisch (@aricrindfleisch) - The Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - 2093
- Janet Ward (@DrJanet_A_Ward) - University of Sunderland - 2038
- Shari Worthington (@sharilee) - Worcester Polytechnic Institute - 1901
- Marie Taillard (@marietaillard) - ESCP Europe - 1779
- Sue Bridgewater (@SueBridgewater) - University of Liverpool - 1777
- Gemma Calvert (@DrGemmaCalvert) - Nanyang Technological University - 1578
- Michelle Weinberger (@consumerlife) - Northwestern University - 1436
- Steve Vargo (@SteveVargo) - The University of Hawai’i at Manoa - 1383
- Finola Kerrigan (@FinolaK) - University of Birmingham - 1273
- Laurence Dessart (@laurencedessart) - Kedge Business School - 1230
- Anthony Patterson (@TonyPatterson) - The University of Liverpool - 1180
- Spencer M Ross (@srossmktg) - McGill University - 1159
- Ana Isabel Canhoto (@canhoto) - Oxford Brookes University - 1159
- Vincent Balusseau (@vbalusseau) - Audencia Business School - 1149
- Stephen Dann (@stephendann) - Australian National University - 1145
- Alexa Fox (@AlexaKaye3) - Ohio University - 1142
- Joan Ball (@joanpball) - St. John's University - 1104
- Hope Jensen Schau (@HopeJensenSchau) - University of Arizona - 1066
- Robert Lusch (@RobertLusch) - University of Arizona - 985
- Tracy Harwood (@tgharwood) - De Montfort Univ. - 966
- Joonas Rokka (@jccnas) - EMLYON Business School - 963
- Ekant Veer (@VeerOffTrack) - University of Canterbury - 948
- Linda Tuncay Zayer (@dr_tea) - Loyola Univ. Chicago - 913
Some I missed out:
1. Mark Ritson (@markritson) - Melbourne Business School - 48K - Should be #7 on the list.
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