24 Apr 2019

Top 50 Marketing Profs who Tweet - UPDATED 2019 List

Marketing Profs refer to academics who teach marketing and related subjects in Universities. These are the opinion leaders in the field of Marketing. However, it is quite surprising that several Marketing "Gurus" in academia are not really active on Twitter and are not represented in this list.

There have been some minor changes to this list. It is now restricted to the top 50 and I have removed a few academics who are not strictly in the field of Marketing. Here is the old 2016 list.

I discovered that some have changed their Twitter handles and some have moved Universities.

Mark Schaefer is still on top with 176.2K followers. It is interesting but most seem to have lost followers. Not sure why. Also, there is a huge gap between the 3rd and 4th on the list.

The ranking is based on the number of followers as of 24 April2019.

I am proudly representing Malaysia in the list at #15.

Note: Please let me know if you want to be added to/ removed from the list. 
  1. Mark Schaefer (@markwschaefer) - Rutgers University - 176.2K
  2. Nancy Richmond (@NancyRichmond) - Florida International University - 140.2K 
  3. Anthony Miyazaki (@AnthonyMiyazaki) - Florida International University - 111.4K
  4. Gary R. Schirr (@ProfessorGary) - Radford University - 69.9K
  5. Mark Ritson (@markritson) - Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne - 37K
  6. Patrick Strother (@PatrickStrother) - University of Minnesota - 30.3K
  7. Jennifer Aaker (@aaker) - Stanford University - 25.6K
  8. Kimberly Whitler (@KimWhitler) - University of Virginia - 19.5K
  9. Bang Nguyen (@ProfBangNguyen) - University of Southern Denmark - 15K
  10. Simon Chadwick (@Prof_Chadwick) - University of Salford  - 15K
  11. Byron Sharp (@ProfByron) - University of South Australia - 14.2K
  12. David Aaker (@DavidAaker) - University of California, Berkeley - 14K
  13. Carol Phillips (@carol_phillips) - University of Notre Dame - 12.4K
  14. Philip Kotler (@kotl) - Northwestern University - 12.2K
  15. Dilip Mutum (@admutum) - University of Nottingham Malaysia  - 9810
  16. Jim Joseph (@JimJosephExp) - New York University - 9433
  17. Lauri Harrison (@lharrison) - Columbia University - 8217
  18. Denny McCorkle (@DennyMcCorkle) - University of Northern Colorado - 8094
  19. Christophe Benavent (@Benavent) - Université Paris Nanterre - 8039
  20. Barbara Kahn (@barbarakahn) - University of Pennsylvania - 7721
  21. John Deighton (@HBSmktg) - Harvard University - 6358
  22. Steven H. Seggie (@Seggitorial) - ESSEC Business School - 5834
  23. D. Steven White (@dstevenwhite) - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth - 5826
  24. T. Bettina Cornwell (@BettinaCornwell) - University of Oregon - 5291
  25. Richard Ladwein (@rladwein) - Université de Lille - 4463
  26. Jaideep Prabhu (@JaideepPrabhu) - Judge Business School, University of Cambridge - 4466
  27. Robert Kozinets (@Kozinets) - Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California - 3907
  28. Miguel Guinalíu (@GUINALIU) - University of Zaragoza - 3648
  29. Eric Vernette (@VernetteE) -  Toulouse University - 3075
  30. Aric Rindfleisch (@aricrindfleisch) - Gies College of Business, The Univ. of Illinois - 2934
  31. Janet Ward (@DrJanet_A_Ward) - University of Sunderland - 2874
  32. Tracy L. Tuten (@brandacity) - Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi - 2794
  33. Zeynep Arsel (@zeyneparsel) the - Concordia University - 2589
  34. Markus Giesler (@DrGiesler) - Schulich School of Business, York University - 2551
  35. Dirk vom Lehn (@dirkvl) -King’s Business School, King’s College London - 2530
  36. Tom van Laer (@tvanlaer) - University of Sydney - 2446
  37. Sue Bridgewater (@SueBridgewater) - UoL ManagementSchool, University of Liverpool - 2048
  38. Marie Taillard (@marietaillard) - ESCP Europe - 1880
  39. Shari Worthington (@sharilee) - Foisie Business School, Worcester Polytechnic Institute - 1866
  40. Finola Kerrigan (@FinolaK) - University of Birmingham - 1860
  41. Alexa Fox (@AlexaKaye3) - Ohio University - 1790
  42. Steve Vargo (@SteveVargo) - The University of Hawai’i at Manoa - 1663
  43. Michelle Weinberger (@consumerlife) - Northwestern University - 1642
  44. Gemma Calvert (@DrGemmaCalvert) - Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University - 1620
  45. Anthony Patterson (@TonyPatterson) - The University of Liverpool - 1580
  46. Spencer M Ross (@srossmktg) - McGill University - 1538
  47. Vincent Balusseau (@vbalusseau) - Audencia Business School - 1401
  48. Tracy Harwood (@tgharwood) -  De Montfort Univ. - 1379
  49. Laurence Dessart (@laurencedessart) - HEC Liège - Management school, University of Liege - 1324
  50. Ekant Veer (@VeerOffTrack) - University of Canterbury - 1254

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