13 Mar 2012

Readings: Core and competing marketing strategies

Pleshko, L. P., and Heiens, R.A. (2008). The contemporary product-market strategy grid and the link to market orientation and profitability. Journal of Targeting, Measurement & Analysis for Marketing,16, 2(March), 108-114.

Akan, O., Allan, R.S., Helms, M.M., and Sprals III, S.A. (2006) Critical tasks for implementing Porter’s generic strategies. Journal of Business Strategy, 27, 2, 43-53.

Gurău, C. (2007). Porter's generic strategies: a re-interpretation from a relationship marketing perspective. Marketing Review, 7, 4(Winter), 369-383.

Nicovich, S.G., Dibrell, C.C. and Davis, P.S. (2007) Integration of Value Chain Position and Porter’s 1980 Competitive Strategies into the Market Orientation Conversation: An Examination of Upstream and Downstream Activities Journal of Business and Economic Studies, 13, 2( Fall), pp 91-106.

Bridges, E., and Freytag, P.V. (2009). When do firms invest in offensive and/or defensive marketing? Journal of Business Research, 62,7( July), 745-749.

Ormanidhi, O., and Stringa, O. (2008) Porter's Model of Generic Competitive Strategies. Business Economics, 43, 3(July), 55-64.

McDonald, M. (2006) Strategic Marketing Planning: Theory and Practice, Marketing Review, 6, 4(Winter), 375-418.

Keegan, W.J. (2004) Strategic Marketing Planning: A Twenty-First Century Perspective , International Marketing Review, 21, 1, 13-16.

Wilson, H. N., and McDonald, M.H.B. (2001). An evaluation of styles of IT support for marketing planning. European Journal of Marketing, 35, 7/8, 815-842.

“Strategic Marketing Planning” by Colin Gilligan and Richard S. Wilson (2003) Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann – Chapter 12: The Formulation of Strategy 3: Strategies for Leaders, Followers, Challengers, and Nichers, 517-592.

“Competitive Strategy” by Michael E. Porter (1980) New York: Free Press –
Chapter 1: Competitive Strategy: The Core Concepts, 1-32.

“Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning” (4th edition) (2004) by Graham Hooley, John Saunders, and Nigel F. Piercy London: FT-Prentice Hall Chapter 11: Creating Sustainable Competitive Advantage, 301-334.

“Principles and Practices of Marketing” by David Jobber (2007) (5th edition) Berkshire: McGraw-Hill – Chapter 20: Competitive Marketing Strategy, 809-846.

“Marketing Plans for Service Businesses” (2005) (2nd edition) by Malcolm
McDonald and Adrian Payne. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann – Chapter 3: Marketing Planning for Services: The Process, 37-48.

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